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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Almost 5,700 State Employees Make $100,000 Or More

Maryland Reporter’s third annual report on state salaries found that 5,663 state employees pulled in $100,000 or greater in 2012 –about 6% of total state employees. Three out of four of these six-figure salaries are earned by people working for state colleges and universities — more than 10% of the full-time employees — led by three million-dollar coaches.

This total is slightly higher than last year’s number, when 5,552 people — about 6% of state work force — made $100,000 or more, but 500 more than calendar 2010 when furloughs reduced all state salaries. The state employed close to 94,828 total full-time employees in 2012, according to budget documents (pages 144-146) including figures for higher education, non-budgeted agencies and contractual employees.

The median household income in Maryland was $72,419, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, meaning half of Maryland homes make less than that amount.

Here is the complete list of state employees making more than $100,000 per year.

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  1. Given the condition of Maryland's economic situation, it is irresponsible to burden the taxpayer with these absurd salaries.

  2. looks like many are state university employees. so since my tax dollars are paying their salaries isn't this the same as welfare but only for the overly educated? What value or service do they provide to the rest of us?

  3. Before we all go on a witch hunt, read the list. Then consider the various ways university staff make money off of the state payrolls (books, consulting, Fox News appearances). That money still has to show up here, even though it isn't all state salary. Not such a big deal anymore now is it?

    Your tax dollars aren't paying them nearly enough so don't fault them for working hard.

  4. I don't think tax dollars pay for all of the salaries. U of MD college park has 38,000 students. In state tuition is $9,000/year (24% are out of state paying $27,000/yr). You do the math! hint: out of state is around 243 million dollars per year.

  5. You go to college and earn your PhD then tell me how much you think you're worth.

    In a free market economy professor salaries are set to be competitive with other colleges and universities out of state.

  6. let's publish the salaries of the Maryland Senators and Delegates.

  7. What in the world do all those people at the University of Maryland do for Lords sake?

  8. $100K isn't big bucks by any means.

  9. I have no problem with a good, tenured prof. making $100k. Even more if they teach medicine. But it seems like a lot of educational bureaucrats make that kind of money, too. The amount of $300k+ salaries in the UMD system are incredible.

    This is a symptom of all those easy college loans out there. They take away pricing pressures that would come about from people who had to go to college at a more affordable price tag. In return, we get a $300k "Assistant Deputy Vice President of Multicultural Campus Hygiene Inclusion Activities." (Not trying to knock on any culture - just making a silly, worthless title here).

  10. when I began working for the St of Md in 1984,almost all upper management jobs required a degree.as the years passed,the requirements became less and less to justify lower salaries.If a person had experience in a given field and no actual degree that experience would be considered the equivalent.The average admin salary dropped 10 to 15% when the hiree DID NOT have a degree.

  11. Locally in Salisbury, there are state employees (management level) that are making $100,000 plus. They are seldom available and have absolutely no people skills. They are selfish and out for themselves only.

  12. What is going on in the dept of health and mental hygiene?

  13. Firemen and police almost make 100k in OC!


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