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Monday, May 13, 2013

About Those WMD In Syria

When the highly controversial Iraq War failed to uncover the massive stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, the mainstream media went berserk. After David Kay, then head of the Iraq Survey Group (ISG), concluded in January 2004 that WMD would probably not be found, online news sources produced nearly 10,000 stories about the “missing” WMD over the course of one month.

Prior to that time, of course, the experts, security officials, United Nations inspectors and media elites were in unanimous agreement: Saddam had WMD, he used them not once, but several times, and he knew HOW to build more and had the means to continue doing so.



  1. President Bush should not have waited for Congress to agree to go in there. He could have had troops intercept the truckloads of weapons leaving Iraq and entering Syria!

  2. Of course there were WMDs in Iraq. In the late 90s when Clinton was President, the WMDs were documented by numerous UN inspectors, and reported almost daily.

    5:59 Agreed.

  3. Saddam himself was a WMD. Just how many people did he kill?


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