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Friday, May 24, 2013

5% Of Federal Work Force Furloughed Today

Americans wanting a smaller federal government have gotten it — at least for today. About 5 percent of the federal workforce is on furlough. A White House official confirmed that about 115,000 employees from six agencies are affected. Most work at EPA, Housing and Urban Development, the IRS, and the Office of Management and Budget. Also on furlough today, some employees at the Labor and Interior departments. Some services for the public are also curtailed today.


  1. 50% would of been better.

  2. Nice a four day weekend!

  3. Imagine that, they furlough them on a Saturday? Would they have been off anyway?? Feds never cease to amaze.

  4. 8:20 This was posted yesterday not the day you read it. You never cease to amaze me.map

  5. Lois Lerner makes than a US senator and is allowed to be on PAID leave while other employees are furloughed without pay....bet they love that. If her salary was removed an a more realistic salary/wage enforced, just look at the savings obama.....can you do the math?????? While we are at it, remove Miller's and his bosses salary.....gosh....even more financial savings......


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