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Friday, May 17, 2013

400 Agents Bust 89 People In Medicare Scams

Federal agents have busted 89 people in Medicare scams totaling more than $220 million. The departments of Health and Human Services and Justice say 400 agents spread throughout the country helped with the arrests on Tuesday. They worked through multi-agency Medicare strike force teams. In one scam, authorities say the defendants bribed Medicare patients to hand over their ID numbers so they could be used to charge bogus home health services. Officials say Medicare fraud costs the government more than $60 billion a year.


  1. Why don't they go after fire departments for billing for ambulance calls. Nearly 90% of all ambulance calls are not true emergencies. Ambulance billing is a big scam and someone is making money on this scam.

  2. Why do all these agencies suddenly have their own "agents". It's beginning to look like a police state.


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