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Wednesday, May 08, 2013

11 Reasons Why The Federal Reserve Should Be Abolished

If the American people truly understood how the Federal Reserve system works and what it has done to us, they would be screaming for it to be abolished immediately. It is a system that was designed by international bankers for the benefit of international bankers, and it is systematically impoverishing the American people.

The Federal Reserve system is the primary reason why our currency has declined in value by well over 95 percent and our national debt has gotten more than 5000 times larger over the past 100 years.

The Fed creates our "booms" and our "busts", and they have done an absolutely miserable job of managing our economy. But why do we need a bunch of unelected private bankers to manage our economy and print our money for us in the first place? Wouldn't our economy function much more efficiently if we allowed the free market to set interest rates?

And according to Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution [29], the U.S. Congress is the one that is supposed to have the authority to "coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures". So why is the Federal Reserve doing it? Sadly, this is the way it works all over the globe today. In fact, all 187 nations [30] that belong to the IMF have a central bank. But the truth is that there are much better alternatives. We just need to get people educated.

The following are 11 reasons why the Federal Reserve should be abolished...



  1. Its the reason why kenedy was killed..and.its kinda late ..the banks own the us after clinton stole the last equity this country... the had SS Fund

  2. Don't bother. No one cares with this.

    TV and iPhones are more important.


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