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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Williams-Sonoma Pulls Pressure Cookers Out Of Massachusetts Stores

Two weeks ago, two improvised explosive devices detonated near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing three spectators and injuring hundreds more. The bombs were made from pressure cookers filled with gunpowder and shrapnel. Pressure cookers, which use an airtight seal to trap steam and cook food above the normal boiling point of water, aren’t popular cooking tools in American homes today, but they are commonly available. At Williams-Sonoma stores, for example. Except in the Boston area: Patch reports that stores around there have temporarily pulled pressure cookers from their shelves.


  1. Seriously? They banned pressure cookers. lol

  2. How, about we ban terrorist who are on or were on any watch list from coming or staying in the country. Pulling pressure cookers is as stupid as banning rifles and high capacity magazines. They are mere objects, that are used in evil deeds. What is the common denominator "the criminal" Which will again find another way to create evil acts.

  3. LOL is all I can say.

  4. Wow, Orwell would be proud.

  5. I hope they never make a bomb out of deodorant. This would be one stinky planet.

  6. Talk about having your head up your butt.

  7. I'm with 9:00. I guess banning nails, screws, and ball bearings would be next! LOL! How about backpacks?
    There is a point where one must take a step back and try to understand the original problem here. No, the problem is not the weapon of choice, but the reason the choice was made in the first place.


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