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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office Loses One of Their Own

Incident: Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office Loses One of Their Own

Narrative: On behalf of the men and women of the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office, Sheriff Michael A. Lewis regretfully announces the passing of a long time canine assigned to our explosive detection team. On 18 April, K9 Britt passed away while on active duty after a brief illness in the company of his long time handler Deputy First Class Dennis Taylor.

K9 Britt and DFC Taylor had worked side by side since 2003 on a vigilant mission to keep our buildings and citizens safe. Not only did K9 Britt provide loyal and dedicated service to Wicomico County, but he was routinely called upon to assist neighboring jurisdictions throughout the region to include providing security scans at major events and conventions in nearby Ocean City and even the United States Naval Academy football stadium in Annapolis, MD.

K9 Britt regularly trained not only here in Wicomico County but he also trained alongside other K9 teams from Dover Air Force Base that had been involved in seeking out IED type explosives in both Iraq and Afghanistan, all in an effort to constantly improve his working ability.

K9 Britt was also a popular ambassador to our community as he often demonstrated his unique ability to seek out and find explosives at county fairs and for any groups that visited the station to learn about the Sheriff’s Office.

We thank K9 Britt for all of his years of active duty service to the Sheriff’s Office and he will be sorely missed.
Releasing Authority: Lt. Tim Robinson Date: 19 April 2013


  1. RIP. 10 yes life span for these types of dogs?

  2. Nice article! I know his handler will miss him greatly!

    These dogs do soo much good for our forces!

  3. I feel really sorry for the handler's loss. The shephard is the best of the best!!!

  4. Dogs are the closest living being on Earth that resembles God's love...I know your department will miss the fellowship you all shared together...

  5. RIP Britt. Love and prayers for you, Dennis,

  6. Dogs are family and mine is sitting right next to me as I type. R.I.P. Britt.

  7. I remember Taylor bringing Britt into the carwash where I worked he was a beautiful dog, rip Britt, you gave us your protection and service.

  8. Can't imagine the loss you feel Lt.

  9. get a grip people, it's a dog. I love animals too and know the pain of losing one. But let's not get carried away either.

  10. Thank you for your service, brave, brave hero.


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