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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Why The Western Banking Cartel's Gold And Silver Price Slam Will Backfire - And How You Can Protect Yourself From The Blowback

Currently it seems as if the disinformation about the reasons why gold and silver paper prices have fallen so quickly seem to outnumber the real reasons at least 10 to 1 in the mass media and though there have been some solid commentaries already regarding the real reasons why gold and silver paper prices have fallen (that have zero to do with the rubbish the mass media is selling the public), I feel that one can never have enough articles that try to disseminate the truth, especially when the truth is being bullied into submission by those with captive platforms from which to sell their fake agendas. Thus, in this article, I will discuss the truth about the current banker executed gold/silver raid and why it will ultimately FAIL.

I wish to summarize the facts regarding why this paper gold and silver slam happened, including some of the information I was sending to my clients last week as this slam happened in real time, the usual suspects that were behind it, and why this slam will eventually result in massive failure and massive consequent devaluation of fiat currencies anyway. The reason I have opened up this first paragraph by constantly referring to a PAPER gold and silver price slam instead of a PHYSICAL gold and silver price slam is because massive premiums exist on physical silver and significant premiums exist on physical gold over spot prices of gold and silver. For all intents and purposes, the spot price is equivalent to the fake banker engineered price that cavorts across the ticker on your television everyday. But go to a dealer and try to buy at that ticker price and you will discover that it is a delusional fake price that no dealer is willing to kindly grant you. Instead, when I checked prices on 1-troy ounce American Eagle coins on Apmex last week, there was a 5.8% premium on gold coins and when the spot silver price had fallen to $22.99 an ounce earlier in Asia last week, Apmex was still listing their 1-oz American Eagles at $29.01, a whopping 26.2% higher than the spot price. Only a complete buffoon of economics, like Paul Krugman and his zombie followers, would ever believe that the price of real silver was $22.99 at any point and time last week.



  1. try to go to robinsons and get gold for spot and you will realize it is a made up price that is on tv

  2. Thanks for a little reality lesson. I holding my assets along with my gun.


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