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Saturday, April 27, 2013


What the hell are they teaching our kids in high school? They fill their brains full of green energy and global warming crap, but they can’t manage to teach them the basics about economics. They learn about the glories of diversity, but not about compounding interest on credit card debt? Only 43% of all high school students even have a proficient or better understanding of economics. The politically correct MSM gives their propaganda version of the report. I opened the report to get a few more facts. Here are a few tidbits:

The percentage of proficients students in private schools was 62%.

The percentage of proficient students in government run public schools was 41%.

The percentage of below basic (dullards/retards) in government public schools was 19% versus 9% in private schools.

The percentage of white and asian students that were proficient totaled 53% and 52% respectively. Only 11% and 15% were below basic.

The percentage of black students that were proficient totaled 17%, while the percentage below basic totaled 39%. (I’m racist for pointing this out. It is nowhere to be seen in the MSM articles)

The percentage of boys that were proficient was 47% versus 38% of girls.


  1. This is less of an argument about schools and more of an argument about parenting or lack thereof.

  2. Dullards and retards?I thought those terms had been deemed inappropriate,insensitive and insulting.

  3. Gettin good bang for the education buck?...NOT!! n .wait to you see what they do to health care..now be a good brainwashed commie and get back to ignorance

  4. Good Lord, the abuse one takes for standing up for our Constitution. Racist here is not an issue, but social trends are in total need of exposure. Bottom line here is that the "Gimme Dat" crowd is dumb as a box of hammers, and working toward improving that towards rocks.

  5. Thats because some cultures mock education and secondly, the schools are cages and confinement for kids more than a place to get educated. My friend (substitute taeching a short little eighth grader told him to "kiss my ass" just a couple of days ago. The kid was sent to the office and 15 minutes later back in class laughing at the teacher. True story. How can kids be taught when they do not HAVE to do anything? Lastly, kids are mostly taught the wonders of "diversity", the peace that comes with "acceptance", guilt and fear (what? you made your pizza look like a GUN!? everyone run!!!), morals and values are "subjective" and everyone is "okay", even if they can't keep their hands off the girl sitting next to them. And lets not forget "lesbian kiss requests" mandated by school authorities. Math? Science? Grammar and command of the English language? Critical thinking? No time for that.... and these kids, most of whom couldn't tell you what 50% of 100 is, are going to run businesses and government? Nope. Sorry. They'll be convicts, single mothers, drug dealers, and cops. The rich white elite will be running those things. Just like now.

  6. The bottom line here is that these kids feel like they don't need an education. If they are a failure, they will just go on welfare and the Government will take care of them. Our Country is at a breaking point. With 47% of the people either working for the government or receiving benefits, it is just not sustainable.

  7. A friend of mine USED to drive a school bus in Tenn. He had to quit because as he put it, 'I will end up in jail for hitting one of these damn disrespectful kids'. Can't say I blame him.

  8. @Imclain, your argument was okay until you attacked single moms. I wish comments here we're more intelligent than this. Conservatives deserve a better platform and reputation.

  9. Ha! 2:11 thinks single mothers are okay and contribute to society? They don't need no man!. Sorry to inform you of this but HUNDREDS of studies have shown that children in single parent homes (most by mothers, you know, SINGLE mothers) are more likey to drop out of school, more likely to be on some form of assistance (they don't need no man, but there sure need his money) fail to acquire a functional education, more likely to become criminals and convicts, and more likely to be stuck in a cycle of poverty. And you question my intelligence?? Apparently, I'm much more well-read than you... Perhaps you should know the facts before you play the compassionate conservative or insulted single mom. And I also found it illuminating that you were offended by my insult to "single mothers", but didn't even address my insult to cops. Further, what I said was true about our current school priorities. Ask a teacher. And the "rich white elite" ruling class was okay, too?

  10. Shut her up. Nice job, Imclain!


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