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Monday, April 22, 2013

US Upping Aid To Syrian Rebels By $123 Million

Kerry says the additional money will double the nonlethal assistance to the opposition forces battling the Assad regime
ISTANBUL (AP) — The United States is providing Syrian rebels with $123 million in new nonlethal aid that may include body armor and other types of supplies that haven’t been part of the assistance package in the past.

The additional money will double the nonlethal assistance to the Syrian opposition as well as increase humanitarian aid. The nonlethal aid could include armored vehicles, night vision goggles and advanced communications equipment.


  1. Yes, while our own Country is suffering, let us give more money to foreign wack jobs.

    Stupid a$$ dumbocrats!

  2. The Syrian rebels are al Qaeda

  3. It's okay, though, that Al-Quaida is helping supply them with all the lethal stuff so it looks like we're the good guys here?
    And where did Al-Quaida get the lethal stuff? Anyone want to guess here?
    His initials are B.O.


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