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Thursday, April 11, 2013


Poverty in this country is the elephant in the room nobody talks about. There are 48 million people on food stamps, 100 million on welfare, 11..7 million on disability, and 101 million people that have “left the workforce” and don’t have jobs. Nobody has to wait in soup and bread lines any longer, they have their Obamacards.

Obama and his minions in the MSM keep talking about a recovery, great housing market, jobs recovery, but everyone knows it’s all government manipulated bullshit. Has the country become desensitized to these people? Have you?

So, another great article about what is really going on out there. The middle class is being annihilated, falling into poverty in the suburbs as well as the inner city. Some even living in tunnels. Thank goodness Bernanke keeps pumping up the stock market to new records and printing $80 billion a month. Where will it all end? Maybe this article is a glimpse of things to come.



  1. It's all the Socialist Democratic way of doing business. Liberal Democrats are killing America and they don't care.

  2. 100 million on welfare AND 101 million that have left the workforce?

    America only has around 300 million people in it. The author of this is obviously lying.

  3. Yeah its so sad and funny that even the govt can't operate if we don't work or build the shit they want or buy...

    It takes the middle class to support everyone... period... the middle class, buys the shit the middle class makes... the rich get rich by underpaying people who make the shit, and they make money when the middle class buys the shit... the lower class doesn't buy shit or make shit I.E work, and the rich won't get rich if we don't make and buy the products we sell for them...

    The govt can't operate if they take all the money we have and the jobs.... they know this, so the only way to keep going is make us slaves by force and death threats or make a one world govt where all are slaves...

  4. 4:27 Obviously the problem is your ability to deal with facts of the Obama regime.

  5. The poor will always be with us.


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