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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Totalitarian By Joel Poindexter

There's really no other word that would accurately describe the behavior of the many agencies that stormed through Boston and its suburbs this week. Thousands of State and local police, sheriff’s deputies, FBI SWAT employees, Homeland Security Shock Troops, and National Guard soldiers conducted a massive search – virtually none of it in compliance with the 4th Amendment – in search of a single teenager. They practically ordered an entire city "locked down" and were presumably prepared to begin arresting residents who refused to comply with what amounted to martial law.

Now, just for a moment consider what the effective lock down means. As Charles W. Johnson presented the situation on Facebook, lockdown is "from the vocabulary of prison wardens, referring to a condition in which inmates are temporarily completely restricted in their movements and confined to their cells, in order to allow prison guards to conduct searches or contain and control what the inmates are doing." He then asks these two questions: "If the police have the power to put a city 'on lockdown,' then what does that make the city? And what does it make the innocent people living in it?" Well, it would make the city a prisons and the residents would be inmates, naturally.

Now, had the search not ended as early as it did, one question that seems appropriate is, "what about the 3rd Amendment?" Perhaps the least-addressed of all the amendments in the bill of rights, it's no less relevant to the situation. While it refers specifically to soldiers, little distinction exists in light of these two photographs. The individual on the left is, according to the source, a member of the FBI, who helped in the search. The individual on the right is a soldier in Afghanistan. Note the similarities in the uniform, the equipment, and the weapons. Whatever legal differences exist between the military and civilian law enforcement are at this point irrelevant.



  1. Our country will continue to be in lock down as long as Obama and the Muslims are in control. Our country is in trouble big time. We must stand against the liberal Democrats.

  2. Funny how all these cops say they will defend the constitution then do the complete opposite just to get their rocks off power tripping in light of a great opportunity.
    Seriously? 9000 "police" officers for a 19 year old radical? That they let slip away? The other ignored by DHS and FBI as an international MUSLIM radical Clearing whole houses of innocent people at gunpoint, in pajamas, hands over their head, barefoot, forced to run to awaiting gunpoint searches? 4th amendment violations everywhere. Suits to come I'm sure.
    The solution is defunding them and voting in politicians that will make real change and stop letting all these jihadi's into our country.
    They allow an open border, no visa follow up, allow the terrorists and radicals in then clamp down on OUR freedoms to combat them?

    Stupid, just stupid.
    Bottom line? Our Government failed.
    EVEN with warning from a foreign Government.
    Obamas soft on Muslim policy is to blame.
    Islam is a radical cult. Period.

  3. A lot of the knuckleheads we have for cops nowadays came from the military. Messed in the head or not, doesn't matter.

  4. Quit blaming Obama and liberals. This started long before Obama and democrats became back in office.

  5. Outstanding job done all police involved! Thank you for your service!

  6. hey 11:13
    you better do your homework , Obama doesn't believe in our historical documents.
    You need an enema with a garden hose.

  7. 12:10 You're a fool.

  8. No but you sure are 8:53.......do police do anything right in your blind eyes?


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