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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Today's Survey Question 4-24-13

Do you think Congress should pass 
Internet sales tax on small businesses?


  1. no way, mail order was never taxed, why should they do it to internet?

  2. That would put the burden of all small businesses to keep track of 50 states' rates, then write 50 quarterly checks out in the mail.

  3. Doesn't matter to me personally, I'll continue to shop online as long as merchants refuse to maintain a consistent inventory and employee rude clerks, and maintain the attitude that I ought to be thankful for their existence. My business is much more appreciated by online merchants than local ones.

  4. NO MORE TAXES PERIOD. thanks sjd

  5. not just NO, HELL NO!

  6. NO!!!! Taxation without Representation! If they do not have a presence in your state, than they have no right to collect the tax, and really, how many of those internet businesses are going to mail in a check to any state for the sales tax they collected?

  7. Doesn't matter to me.I have my internet purchases shipped to a Delaware address.

  8. NO but thanks for giving MD O'Dummy another tax idea!

  9. No, I continue to support local business but I am involved in a specialty business that the equipment is not sold locally so I have to buy mail order or internet. Congress needs to worry about getting their ducks in a row before they worry about any new issues.

  10. 2:23
    I don't think it matters where you live but where the company is located. Maybe I read it wrong. Can you imagine if you are a small bussiness owner and you now have to figure out the sales tax for each purchase depending on where they live......then you have to pay that state that sales tax you collect. That would be a nightmare!

  11. They already collect tax on income from internet sales.
    ENOUGH already!

  12. Congress should butt out of this issue. It's an issue that the individual states should deal with, not the US congress (ever read the 10th amendment?).

  13. Heck no! Enough is enough. It'd be nice to have a little & occasional relief from the never ending taxation.

  14. you voted democrat in office so DEAL with it. Shut up and pay more taxes!


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