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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Tamerlan Tsarnaev And Family Received Welfare

Tamerlan Tsarnaev was on welfare, sponsored by tax payers. Tsarnaev, now dead, is suspected of bombing the Boston Marathon last week.

"Marathon bombings mastermind Tamerlan Tsarnaev was living on taxpayer-funded state welfare benefits even as he was delving deep into the world of radical anti-American Islamism, the Herald has learned," reports the Boston Herald.



  1. Our Country is full of these people and Obama loves it. Our liberal Government has failed us.

  2. Katherine Russell's parents must have been so proud of her.

  3. Out of kindness,give a dog a bone and then try taking it away from him.We all know what happens.

  4. They voted for Obama as well.

  5. Ask center of the road all Muslims --how they feel about men having sex with another man --or a woman having sex with another woman--and how they feel about this administration obsession with supporting these life styles ,.Also what do they think of a president that represents these views that tried to kiss up to them. --THEN YOU WILL FIND OUT REALITY
    Muslims think Obamas a disgusting human being including radical ones who also think he's extremely ignorant and a joke to them because he's made it easy for them to come to the US so they can spread Islam.

  6. 2:35 Interesting, your post is believable. We need "center of the road Muslims" to speak up against the murdering slime radicals. If you don't, then don't be surprised when you get lumped in with them.

  7. Center Muslims are here for their children to escape radicalism a lot of the time. Many are afraid to speak out and up because everyone has heard of Salman Rushdie a more famous who spoke out especially now, with computer access widely available. You cannot escape it here because government is too concerned with offending as surely what happened with the older Tsarnaev and why the officials brushed off his increasingly extremist views. Chechen brutality is widely known and when Russians warned US they should have given him a one way ticket back to HIS HOME because he was doing a thing useful in the US.
    Now US president puts radicals in place as heads of state such as occured in both Egypt and Libya once very secular counties and encourages Saudi students and others to come where the cultures clash. Saudi male students aren't comfortable with women out alone on the steet without husband or family not to mention without head covered. It invites resentment for the immoral people they think reside in the US.

  8. I'm already sick of the notice these 2 bozo are getting. I cannot & will not mourn the loss of either of them, nor should you.
    Sum "it" up when "it's" all over, the greatest of plenty.


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