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Friday, April 12, 2013

State Sues Florist Who Refused To Decorate Gay Wedding

The State of Washington is suing a small flower shop after the owner declined to provide flowers for a homosexual wedding – based on her religious beliefs.

Barronelle Stutzman, the owner of Arlene’s Flowers in Richland, Wash., is facing thousands of dollars in fines and penalties for allegedly violating the state’s Consumer Protection Act.

“If a business provides a product or service to opposite-sex couples for their weddings, then it must provide same-sex couples the same product or service,” Attorney General Bob Ferguson said in a statement.



  1. OK then. Then why are Muslims exempt from Obamacare because it is against their religion? The out of control Democratic government want it both ways.

  2. THE LIBERALS will attack anyone who say they support a traditional marriage between and man and woman. Thank god for freedom of speech.They tried to do that to Chic Fil-La. I pray Maryland does and repeal that gay marriage like California did.

  3. 1:20. You live in a cave? That vote came and went. Never going to happen, the people have spoken.

  4. Wow, you actually pray for that 1:20? Bet God is impressed.

  5. 1:20. You live in a cave? That vote came and went. Never going to happen, the people have spoken.

    April 12, 2013 at 2:05 PM

    He said REPEAL. Are you illiterate as well?

  6. If I owned one of these businesses I would make my opinion of gay marriage clear to customers. I would then tell them that if they still wanted my services that I would do it under fear of lawsuit not because I wanted them to have a beautiful wedding. At least they would know my stance and the ball would be left in their court. I also would make them sign off on every single flower they chose so that I wouldn't be subjected to a lawsuit later.

  7. 2:22 God is impressed when your prayers agree with his word, his will. It doesn't matter what people imagine God wants.

  8. There is no such thing as "gay" marriage.

  9. In Maryland I have seen signs in businesses that say they have the right to refuse service to anyone they wish to. Sounds reasonable to me. If one business won't cater to your needs go somewhere else. Plain and simple. People need to stop making a freaking stink about everything. If I get turned away from a business because I'm the wrong gender or color, I'll go somewhere where they want my money.

  10. There is no gay marriage in Maryland. Read the bill. The word "marriage" is not mentioned one time. They are afforded a civil union not a marriage. So, O'Malley skunked the gays too. They believed he was signing a bill in support of marriage when all they got was the right to shack up legally. Proves the point, O'Malley does not discrimate when it comes to screwing people over for a vote.

  11. 7:39...ur right...it says same sex marriage...how does that "skunk" the gays....? Don't want a same sex marriage? Don't marry someone of the same sex...

  12. Don't want a same sex marriage? Don't marry someone of the same sex...

    April 12, 2013 at 11:18 PM

    Don't want ANY gay marriage. Take that crap to the middle east. They would LOVE to have you.

  13. Isn't this kind of like a restaurant requiring "proper attire" before you can be served?


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