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Saturday, April 27, 2013

State Corrections Taking Action After Guards Indicted

The head of the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services has moved his office to the Baltimore Detention Center to closely review security after 25 people were indicted in a smuggling ring involving correctional officers.

Rick Binetti, a spokesman for the department, said Friday that Gary Maynard will be directly overseeing the review in the aftermath of the indictments, which included 13 female correctional officers and seven inmates.

Binetti also says "integrity reviews" will be conducted for staff.



  1. Maynard is another terrible O'Malley appointee -- the Baltimore Sun refuses to criticize the 2016 Dem. presidential candidate for both for appointing and now not firing Maynard.

  2. Just another Good Old Boy the Lame Duck Governor has.

  3. part of the gun regulation bs was to be able to let convicts out early so they wouldn't cause problems in our jails HOWS THAT WORKING FOR YOU

  4. PRISON is the extension of the Welfare SystemApril 27, 2013 at 4:57 PM

    The only diffrence between being in jail and on the street is a FENCE... everything else is the same...TV, Satellite, Gyms, Stores, SEX, Great Food, Air Conditioned Areas...and the list goes on.


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