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Saturday, April 27, 2013

SMAG Drill

On Thursday, April 25, 2013 the Salisbury Mutual Assistance Group (SMAG) participated in the United States Coast Guard’s 2013 PREP EXERCISE. The purpose of this exercise is to assure total preparedness, quick response, and successful remediation and clean-up of a release of any type of petroleum product into the Wicomico River.

As part of this simulation, containment boom was deployed along the Wicomico River from approximately 9:00 a.m. until noon. Public agencies participating in the event included: The Maryland Department of the Environment, United States Coast Guard Sector-Baltimore, Maryland Natural Resources Police, Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office, The City of Salisbury Police Department, Wicomico County Department of Emergency Services, and The City of Salisbury Fire Department - Hazmat Unit. These agencies conducted this exercise in conjunction with Cato Gas & Oil Company, Delmarva Oil, Blackwater Maryland Terminal, and Miller Environmental.

Various federal, state, and local agencies executed the Area Contingency Plan (ACP) in order to identify proper booming strategies as set forth in the plan. Boom, is the most common equipment used for controlling oil spilled into a body of water. Booms are used to contain hazardous liquids and to prevent spreading. Following containment, three distinct approaches can be taken to physically remove the oil from the water. These are the use of mechanical skimmers, the use of sorbent material, and manual removal by a coordinated cleanup work force.

A simulated diesel fuel spill took place on the Wicomico River, utilizing various Facility Response Plans maintained by the oil terminals. Containment booms were deployed as needed to contain/deflect the “spill” and to prevent contamination of the environmentally sensitive areas along the Wicomico River.

A Command Post was established and utilized the Incident Command System to coordinate the activities of the various agencies and companies listed above. After implementing the response plans to achieve the successful objectives of the drill, the participants held an in-depth review and analysis of the events in order to assure a coordinated and successful response to a spill scenario on the Wicomico River.


  1. With all of those agencies, and people, there... you'd think they would grab a few pieces of trash. Wait, the river is clean, I forgot.

  2. Salisbury fire boat stole the show with its poor performance

  3. Maybe we should have a sewage spill drill...


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