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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Released Saudi Man Member Of Al-Qaida Clan?

JERUSALEM – The Saudi national questioned by police in the investigation into the Boston Marathon attack shares the same last name as a major Saudi clan that includes scores of al-Qaida operatives.

Some in the clan are senior al-Qaida members while others are reportedly being held by the U.S. in the Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba.

Two Saudi nationals were reportedly injured in the bombings in Boston, with one, 20-year-old foreign student Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, initially put under armed guard at a hospital. Alharbi is reportedly studying in the U.S. on a student visa.

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  1. These guys are in EVERY Mosque in this country and the So-Called Moderate Muslims know who they are Wake up people.

  2. Sharing a last name with known criminals may be unfortunate, but, really,Everybody named McVeigh on trial here? c'mon.
    Find the real perp.

  3. 2 guys 1 back pack 1 bag.

  4. Even if this Arab isn't the perp, WHY IN HECK IS HE ALLOWED IN OUR COUNTRY?
    I guess the same reason the Muslim Brotherhood is entertained at the White House monthly, and why there are so many Islamic advisers to "our" president.

  5. The MSM just announced this guy will be deported ASAP for National security concerns. AFTER Obama's unscheduled meeting with a Saudi foreign attache'.

    Obama is a TRAITOR!
    This is simply TREASONOUS!

  6. Just heard this 'Saudi National' is being deported due to 'national security' issues. Evidently earlier today obama met with Saudi officals and now this news. Reuters reported the Obama meeting and it was impromptu and not on his schedule. Hmmmmmm

  7. Maybe this guy who is to be deported was the arrest that was supposed to happen?

  8. The US and Saudis have an agreement not to arrest Saudi Nationals, because it is an embarrassment to them. That's how we appease the Saudis.

  9. That's what's being said 7:43 but there are many Saudi's in Guantanamo so the theory that we have this agreement is null and void. I think this guy is part of an al qaeda cell operating in the US and al qaeda is responsible for this bombing and since obama 'decimated' al qaeda he's attempting a cover up.

  10. Joe now they are saying that the original Saudi that was injured and questioned at the hospital from the boston bombing, is now being deported after a SPECIAL MEETING with the president with Saudi connections, this GUY is part of the TERRORIST CELL, and they are sending him home???????

  11. One of many stupid things obama has done killing bin laden ranks near the top. He was underground and a no body anymore. When he was killed he was elevated to martyrdom which caused al qaeda to become more persistant. Bush knew this would happen and so did Clinton who was offered bin laden but refused knowing full well the ramifications.

  12. In “Audacity of Hope” Barack Hussein Obama writes: “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” The quote comes from page 261 of the paperback edition of “The Audacity of Hope.


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