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Friday, April 12, 2013


“Free education, almost free healthcare, a generous benefits system and a better state pension than elsewhere, guarantee equal opportunities for all citizens. The only problem is that all these require a considerable amount of public revenue. This is why the common assertion that to be born in Finland is like winning the jackpot in the lottery is only applicable when you are at the receiving end. A far more common experience is that you need to win the lottery just to cover the tax bill.”
Tarja Moles, Xenophobe’s Guide to the Finns

“A right, of course, is a gift from God that emanates from a person’s being. Rights are innate, in every individual from birth, and cannot be given or taken away. On the other hand, a good is an object or service that a person wants or needs. A person has a right to obtain these goods, but no one has a right to the goods themselves. They must be purchased. The government can bestow these objects or services, but only at the expense of taking money from others. No matter the motive, it is impossible to be charitable with someone else’s money.”
Daniel Greenup

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