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Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Peanut Brains


  1. Yeah, that's pretty much what it's like when listening to liberals speak. Conservatives can be clear and concise with their arguments and be called racist.

    I still hold out hope that America wakes up.

  2. Sounds just like two of our local council members and mayor.

  3. I have been in the same position as Linus and was called a racist because I brought up the same points as he was saying to Lucy. Guess it's the way Libtards rationalize their screw up they made by voting Obama back in.

  4. Typical thinking of today. Just close your eyes to everything going on around you and call everyone a racist and that really solves all problems. NOT!

  5. When you can't think through a problem, or listen to constructive feedback, the only thing you have going for you is the race card.

    After 100 years, come up with something else for a change.


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