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Tuesday, April 09, 2013

O'Malley Gets Everything He Wants From Lawmakers

Governor Martin O’Malley says the 2013 Session of the Maryland General Assembly has been one of the most productive of his term with lawmakers approving nearly all of his agenda, including a gas tax increase, gun control and a repeal of the death penalty.

As of 9 p.m. Monday, all 30 bills the governor proposed this year passed both the House of Delegates and the Maryland Senate.

"This is one of the more orderly final days of the legislative session that I have ever witnessed, and that's a tribute to the men and women of the General Assembly, and the goodness of the people that they represent," O'Malley told WBAL News in a one-on-one interview in his office.



  1. A real win for our dictator. A huge loss of freedom for our state.

    Get it maryland? He got it ALL. You will pay the price.

  2. Yup - time to repeal Owe Malley and all of the LibTard policies....let's get some Eastern Shore common sense....go Bongino!

  3. The off shore wind power issue is nothing but a big expense and will never be profitable. The maintenance alone will be it's killer.

  4. 9:26 am you are so right. Other states that have gone this route, only end up paying an enormous bill for their dismantle because they don't do the job all the hype says they will do. Another money waster on the taxpayer's dime.

  5. 30 bills o jobs. or should I say - thousands of jobs

  6. Who does this little punk think he is? He's exploiting our state for his narrow minded agenda. Is he even from Maryland? I guess that wouldn't matter. We're just his chess board.

  7. All he wanted huh? Sounds like our "representatives", spewing whatever their electorate wants to hear, are just playing "good cop, bad cop" with the citizens. I keep telling you, they DO NOT "represent" us any more. They enrich themselves and their families and friends and tell us whatever they think we wnat to hear. THEN, do whatever they want, which is usually not what "we, the people" want. BUT, the next guy? He's going to change things. Uh huh.

  8. All he wanted, just like Ireton.

    Forget at what cost to others, in money and other terms.


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