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Friday, April 12, 2013

Obama's 2014 Budget Requests

Details of President Obama's 2014 budget request reveal big increases for some departments and big cuts for others. Commerce, Energy, Labor and Transportation would all see double-digit boosts, mostly for discretionary grant programs. For example, DOT would get $50 billion for road and bridge projects. Agriculture, Defense, Education, EPA, Interior and Homeland Security would all see reductions. DHS components taking the hit include the Secret Service and Coast Guard. The State Department budget would also fall as the agency shrinks out of Iraq. Overall, the president seeks slightly more than $1 trillian to operate the government. The total budget is $3.8 trillion including Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and interest on the national debt.

1 comment:

  1. I would hope Homeland Security saw reductions. There's no longer a need for an ammunition line item with all the purchases they've made in the last year.


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