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Monday, April 01, 2013

Obama Walks To Easter Service At Nearby Church

 President Barack Obama attended Easter services at an Episcopal church near the White House where past presidents frequently have worshipped.

The president, first lady Michelle Obama and daughters Sasha and Malia took the short walk across Lafayette Park to St. John's Church Sunday morning.

Obama was greeted by several parishioners with handshakes and smiles as the church members were returning to their seats from Holy Communion, which the first family also joined.


  1. I sure hoped he prayed alot to do the right thing for the USA.

  2. Interesting how this church is right across the street from him and he has only been their twice since he has been in office. What a hypocrite. Sounds like that preacher is a left wingnut and tailored his sermon just for Obama.

  3. Betcha the guys walking with them have automatic guns with more than 10 round magazines.

  4. Why do we tolerate this shameless excuse for a president?

  5. I'm sure the service is very different from what they're used to. I think you might have to be born into a liturgical church to have an appreciation for it, lol.

  6. Comrade Hussein ObamaApril 1, 2013 at 4:54 PM

    Well, after He spent HUNDREDS OF THOUSAND OF TAXPAYERS MONEY while playing golf with Tiger Woods in Florida and She & kids another lavish vacation trip in Aspen, CO - well they just pretended like they are just regular folks like the rest of us, for a day, at least. Hypocrisy at its best.

  7. Speaking of Tiger Woods. Linsey Vonn is officially a pig!

  8. Well, he also attended a basketball playoff game and got BOOED when his attendance was announced.

  9. 5:14 so is tiger woods

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    5:14 so is tiger woods

    April 1, 2013 at 5:21 PM

    That's what makes her a pig.

  11. The walk of shame...
    Where is child services when you need them?
    Those poor children should be in foster care. Parents are not worthy.


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