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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Obama Meets With Saudi Foreign Minister, Discusses Syria

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama met with Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal at the White House on Wednesday and discussed the conflict in Syria, a spokeswoman said.

The meeting was not on Obama's public schedule.



  1. THIS IS BS,
    This was to discuss the Saudi man that was injured in the Boston Bombing who is now being deported BC his family are rich and there son is a terrorist.

  2. .....and is a member of al qaeda cells operating in the US. You know al qaeda the terrorist group 'decimated' by Obama.

  3. Now supp he is being held back.

  4. The picture of him on Yahoo sure looks a lot like the picture being shown online of one of the suspects-the one in the royal blue jacket.

  5. "1. One source at the FBI and another at the Saudi Embassy referred to the student as connected to an important Saudi family.
    2. An "event" was created on this guy three days ago. An event is a file. The file contains his deportation record and the reason he is being deported. According to ICE the reason is under section 212 3B -- "Security and related grounds" -- "Terrorist activities"
    3. His visa has been revoked.
    4. The FBI said a file was started "just in case he was found to be connected to the crime," however, the file shows he was scheduled to be deported. This was not a precaution, it was in "orders."
    5. One source said they believe a "voluntary" departure has been signed -- that means the Saudi Student could be out of the country as early as today.
    6. The file was immediately classified. We believe the deportation order will be classified as well -- requiring a FOIA to get it.
    7. The story was going to be "he wanted to go home," however he was actually being deported.
    8. Our source said the FBI believes the Saudi student is tied to 2 to 3 more people.
    9. Our source said this "looks like they were trying to make this a 'lone wolf' crime so, the Saudi government would be spared embarrassment and the U.S. would avoid explaining how a terror cell was active when we had AQ on the run.""

  6. Whats taking so long with the investigation are they trying to SCRUB Videos.


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