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Friday, April 19, 2013



  1. Because of liberal bias, cut off funding to NPR.

  2. I'm sooo surprised. These scumbags are so far left they fired Jaun Williams for being too conservative!!

  3. I wonder how they will SPIN this now that Islam is responsible.

  4. This demonstrates that a Master's degree from the Columbia University's School of Journalism doesn't guarantee intelligence.

  5. You are the same crowd that has been screaming about armed revolution, taking out Obama, and calling the pres. a muslim terrorist out to destroy the counry. Yet you are really surprised that right wing extremist violence is apart of the discussion at times like these?

  6. No, 9:13...we're not surprised. It's an unpleasant fact in life that some people will always blame good people before they engage their minds.

  7. 9:13 The Muslim M.O. and government false flag M.O. is to kill as many innocent people as possible. If the government takes away our rights and forces the people into slavery, some people will fight back. Just as in the revolutionary war the oppressors were killed, not innocent people. You are typical of the leftist media brainwashed sheeple.

  8. College Radical Muslims ALL over in this country.

  9. remember the Caliphat!!!!
    we've been warned and the lying liberal media are either complicit or clueless.
    npr has always be in the leftist camp and we have always had our hard earned dollars propping them up.

  10. Huh, the host of "Here and Now" says she knows on of the bombers....he was a friend of her nephew?

  11. NPR, obama, and the left in general will do and say ANYTHING in order not to offend muslims. Each and every day, muslim killers (murdering in the name of their bloodthirsty and made-up God) slaughter women, children and other innocents. NEVER hear of it, except maybe on page 13 of the paper. Without evidence, they will go directly to the "white extremist" suspects. And generally speaking, "right wing extremists" want to kill cops and government officials, not spectators at some foot race. muslims just want to kill. Anyone. Innocent and unsuspecting people are their favorite targets. Report THAT.

  12. Anonymous said...
    You are the same crowd that has been screaming about armed revolution, taking out Obama, and calling the pres. a muslim terrorist out to destroy the counry. Yet you are really surprised that right wing extremist violence is apart of the discussion at times like these?

    April 19, 2013 at 9:13 AM

    You are to stupid to understand this country is hated by Muslims and you voted to put one in the White House. You are to stupid to vote.

  13. Chuck Cook said...
    You are the same crowd that has been screaming about armed revolution, taking out Obama, and calling the pres. a muslim terrorist out to destroy the counry. Yet you are really surprised that right wing extremist violence is apart of the discussion at times like these?

    April 19, 2013 at 9:13 AM

  14. "Anonymous said...
    You are the same crowd that has been screaming about armed revolution, taking out Obama, and calling the pres. a muslim terrorist out to destroy the counry. Yet you are really surprised that right wing extremist violence is apart of the discussion at times like these?"

    Yes we are really surprised since 99.9% of the time a bomb goes off in a crowded place anywhere in the world Muslims are behind it and not right wing extremists.

  15. Hey 4:04PM,

    It is "TOO stupid to understand" and "TOO stupid to vote"...

  16. I think the term 'right wing extremists' refers to any religious extremists, not our conservative republican political views. So don't get your panties in a bunch.


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