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Monday, April 22, 2013

North Korean Pre-Teens Training To 'Seek Revenge On American Imperialists'

Meet North Korea's freshest batch of future soldiers--11-year-olds from Mangyongdae Revolutionary School. Their fervor reflects an uptick in anti-American sentiment as tensions mount between Washington and Pyongyang over the country’s nuclear ambitions.

PYONGYANG, North Korea
— North Korea's newest batch of future soldiers — scrawny 11-year-olds with freshly shaved heads — punch the air as they practice taekwondo on the grounds of the Mangyongdae Revolutionary School. Students and teachers here say they're studying harder these days to prepare for a fight....



  1. taekwondo versus the atom.
    (and a spineless president)

  2. Do away with this country already. Expand S Korea, and allow them to own all of Korea.


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