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Saturday, April 20, 2013

New OC Beach Toys Sought; Safety, Age Concerns Leads Resort To Seek Alternatives

OCEAN CITY – The popular wooden playgrounds will not be returning to the beach this summer as city staff are in the midst of searching out safer replacements.

During a Recreation and Parks Committee meeting last Tuesday, Public Works Director Hal Adkins gave an update on the playground equipment that have been placed on the beach seasonally since the Mayor and City Council approved in 2000.

What is referred to as “beach toys” are five wooden playgrounds spaced out from Talbot Street north to 4th Street on the beach downtown. The toys were donated by several individuals and/or businesses, the latest being by Fisher’s Popcorn in 2005.



  1. Let's just put our kids in a closet and hide them from anything that will hurt them.
    WTF is this country coming to?

    1. @ 2:01 pm The self anointed politicians and managers of other peoples lives are force feeding their personal judgements on others, in an attempt to validate and hold onto their unnecessary jobs. This way the Obamas and O'Malley's of the world can continue to further tax you at an ever increasing rate.

  2. they are over 14 yrs old
    people are sue happy if their child get hurts
    people are doing drugs and having sex in them
    they were not made for commercial use
    they will be missed, but maybe its time to upgrade
    get over it

  3. That's probably not the only place in OC that people are doing drugs!

  4. Why don't they replace them with a Mini FREE Golf course so they can put out more private businesses such as they are doing by building a FREE gym which will directly compete with private gyms? Or how about a Merry-Go-Round?


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