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Friday, April 12, 2013

More Evidence That Voter Fraud Is Indeed ‘A Normal Political Tactic’ For New York Democrats

Early last year, as the voter fraud trial in upstate New York was getting under way, a Democrat Committeeman named Anthony DeFiglio claimed that falsifying records and forging signatures on ballots was simply “a normal political tactic”.

He himself would plead guilty to falsifying business records, and was identified as being one of three Democrats who convinced two mentally disabled men to sign absentee ballots, which were later filled in for them. For his efforts, DeFiglio was sentenced to 100 hours of community service. Other colleagues received similar sentences for similar crimes, with one former Councilman being hit with six months of jail time.



  1. Not just New York, check all the voter fraud problems in the last presidential election ESPECIALLY in the swing states. Laws need to be made, passed and enforced now to stop the crime, also mandatory jail time. A lot of Democatic butt would be doing time.

  2. Democrats are the lowest form of human debris.
    They will cheat, lie, steal and say thats what the opposition does...
    Scum, just scum.
    They are morally deficient for supporting the queers. They use black people worse than the slave owners of the 1800's.

  3. so what?
    it's not like anything is goingto change


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