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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Mom Guilty In Baseball Bat Attack On Son's Drug Dealer

In just a few short months, Sherrie Gavan said, her son went from a straight-A student who loved baseball and scuba diving to a listless teenager with a short fuse.

Then she figured out the cause: heroin addiction, an epidemic that has upended life for countless parents across the St. Louis area in the past five years.

Gavan told a court on Tuesday that she took desperate measures to get her son, Clayton, now 19, clean. She slept next to him as he shook and sweated through withdrawals. She enrolled him in a new school to keep him away from a bad crowd. She sent him off to live with relatives and even took him to work with her.

But a jury decided she went too far when she struck the 22-year-old man who helped supply heroin to her son with a baseball bat.



  1. Should have shot him

  2. So the mom gets punished, what about the drug dealer. Oh, I forgot, he's a Muslim so he will be pardoned by Obama.

  3. She should be given a medal.

  4. Yes, she should have!

  5. The fine should be 1 cent.

  6. Shame on the jury, and more shame on the judge if he gives her any punishment...

  7. Terrific mom! The drug dealer is lucky she didnt kill him.

  8. Fine? One penny. Suspended. Should have knocked on the door and shot him when he opened up. Walked away quickly. Problem solved. By the time the police got there, she could be asleep in bed. And it would have been a comfortable, easy sleep.

  9. Moving to Texas asap

  10. That's one brave mom! Hope the kid appreciates her dedication to him.

  11. Her kid was a junkie, and would find it wherever he could.

  12. Mom, you should be very proud! You did the right thing!

  13. She's guilty - AND should not be punished, all of it waived!

    For all we know, she saved TWO boys' lives that day.

    I admire her greatly!

  14. This is the PC world we live in where everything is backwards.

  15. Five cents! Everything should be five cents! Just like Lucy says!

  16. Hit him again for me!

  17. Losing self control is on her, she was wrong.

  18. 5:29 is a democrat. Wouldn't you say that all the things she did BEFORE that attack was a model of self-control? Sooner or later, ya gotta solve the problem. She should have killed him.


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