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Thursday, April 11, 2013


Maryland Democratic Governor Martin O’Malley has instituted a tax on citizens for the amount of rain that falls on their property.

The tax, officially known as a "storm water management fee," will be enforced in nine of the state's counties. The state legislature passed it in 2012 purportedly to "raise revenue to cleanup [sic] the Chesapeake Bay," according to MarylandReporter.com.

Former 2012 GOP U.S. Senate candidate Dan Bongino bashes the tax in a Wednesday afternoon press release. The law "requires individuals, businesses, and even charitable organizations and houses of worship to pay a tax based on the amount of rain that falls on their property and the 'impervious surfaces' on their land," he says.



  1. Can someone tell me where all the money from the speed cameras goes. Also where does the money from the casino's go? It is obviously not going for roads, education or the Bay. So who lied and who's getting ricH?

  2. These idiots in office need to GO, Rise up People.

  3. Heads up, Salisbury (city) residents! This same tax was proposed by our tax and spend mayor before- With Mr. Day on council now, how fast do you think it will be enacted?

  4. Every single new tax and increased spending for welfare and entitlements for illegals and those who will not work that O'malley rams through has the blessing of the Salisbury mayor and majority of city council now. Salisbury had a chance to restore some fiscal sanity and promote small business but YOU BLEW IT. And Salisbury you deserve all of the pain you are about to receive.

  5. Democrats will elect these people again because Democrats can not think for themselves.

  6. I have a feeling they are creating outrages taxes to help line their own pockets...this is just going to get worse..there will be a tax for having electricity hooked up at your home before its over...

  7. WTF? This OweMoron would tax the oxygen we breathe if he could figure out how to attach a revenue source to it....

  8. Where is the Petition REMOVE OWEMALLEY FROM THE OFFICE NOW? After 37 Tax Increases and now this Bull-@#% Tax Again? Read my lips OweMalley - Enough Is Enough. Its time We the people of Maryland Tax OweMalley & Co.

  9. Democrats are nothing but freeloading voters waiting for more Government handouts. I would be ashamed to be a Democrat and surely wouldn't admit it.

  10. taxing water, next is taxing air. it WILL happen.

  11. He likes rain so much, maybe he'll get caught in a real downpour!

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    These idiots in office need to GO, Rise up People.

    April 11, 2013 at 8:40 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I hear you. Time has come.

    April 11, 2013 at 9:09 AM

    Well? What are you going to do, tough guys?

  13. O'Malley will be removed for office, he will be the next president if we are not careful, just look at the stupid folks that voted in Osama, not once but twice! It seems that is what the majority of Americans want in the Whitehouse, Idiots!!!

  14. 1111 You sit back in your Wheelchair we got it from here.

  15. When in Rome, do as the Romans. Let's all stop working and get food stamps, welfare and free healthcare. Screw Obamacare. And somebody went and stole all my guns and bullets, what on earth am I gonna do when they come and want to take mine? ; )

  16. Don't purchase firearms, purchase flare guns sold at boating stores. No background check, nuttin', fire somebody up too, make them look like Richard Pryor running down the street on fire! Criminals will always have weapons, there is a simple choice to avoid background checks, go the flare gun route. I have one and it will shoot 100's of yards. Politicians are idiots.

  17. The eastern shore of Maryland is great love it ,but the state of Maryland sucks and 90% of the elected people you all spent the money now we have to pay.hope you all sleep good

  18. Time for a tax revolt, if the 1/2 that are paying them now join together and stop there will be no tax revenue for these self important socialist morons. Are they going to put us ALL in jail? I don't think so, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
    Lets do it Maryland, how much more of what money we have left over from Federal, state and city taxes are we going to give them? Is there any left over now from the never ending cost increases of basic needs ? The time to start is now before canceling of our 2nd admendmaent rights in MD and the country in general. When you take away everything from a man and especially a large group of men you create a dangerous situation.

  19. If not for the havoc it would cause, I would wish for a drought of epic proportions!

  20. This is the work of the enviromental special interest lobby that controls this state,wake up people!


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