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Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Lynette’s Law Supporters Disappointed Therapy Abuse Will Not Become Crime

After a difficult few months of fighting to pass Lynette’s Law — a bill to prohibit sexual abuse by therapists — Heather Lynette Sinclair and bill co-sponsors got less than half of what they wanted.

Of the two bills they sought, only HB 56, a civil initiative requiring background checks for mental health therapists and counselors, was passed just days before the 2013 session came to a close.

Its partner bill, HB 60, to make sexual abuse of mental health clients a crime, was never given a vote in the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee.



  1. Here we go again. Let's see the comments.

  2. Wasn't sexual abuse of any kind already a crime?

  3. It's already a crime. Fat girl just wants some attention.

  4. Dum dum was mad because her doc macked her, hit it, then left her hanging. Sorry chick, happens to women all the time whether it's a therapist or not. Doesn't make it a crime.

  5. 8:57. But she thought it was LOVE.

  6. Chubby chick has a cute face.

  7. I, for one, thank her for the law regarding background checks. I was molested by a therapist in my 20s (thin and attractive..not that it should matter) and did nothing about it because I knew that they would take his word and not mine. It has nothing to do with her appearance..there are perverts out there and they work where they can gain controll over people. I went in grieving the loss of a loved one and came out with total lack of trust in the "Helping Profession."

    1. How much money did you settle for?

  8. 305, not to dig up old wounds, but how exactly were you "molested". Did the therapist drug you? Did he make contact with you while you were unconcious? 2 consenting adults engaging in consensual contact is a long way from being molested. You might have made a dumb decision in your time of berievement but that dumb decision is on you.

    1. It is sad there are so many stupid and single minded people out there. Therapist hold a masters degree in ..... you guessed it, different forms of psychology. There is not "consent" with someone that has the psychological advantage. Kind of like there is no consent for a teacher and student. The board of ethics said there is NEVER okay for a therapist to have any type of sexual contact with a client. I was taken advantage of by my therapist. I am a man. Energetic, successful, smart, and handsome if I were to say so myself. My therapist, a younger rather homely girl, fresh out of college, convinced me to have a long relationship with her that ruined my life. She controlled me in a way I didnt know was possible. So, please dont judge unless it is something you have been through. People can be so miserable informed, please research before you make silly comments!!!!


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