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Friday, April 12, 2013

Jay-Z raps: White House Cleared Cuba Trip With Beyonce

Although the White House said it wasn’t involved, rapper Jay-Z boasts in a new song Thursday that he got “White House clearance” for his recent trip to Cuba with wife Beyonce.

“I done turned Havana into Atlanta,” Jay-Z raps in the song. “Boy from the hood, I got White House clearance… Politicians never did [expletive] for me except lie to me, distort history. … They wanna give me jail time and a fine. Fine, let me commit a real crime.”

Later in the song titled “Open Letter,” he raps, “Hear the freedom in my speech. … Obama said, ‘Chill you gonna get me impeached. You don’t need this [expletive] anyway, chill with me on the beach.’ “



  1. What did you expect. They both have the same DNA.

  2. Maybe the "Boy from da hood" can start the the moral decline in Cuba that low life rappers have promoted here. That might be more effective than the failed "Bay of Pigs" operation back in the day to bring down Castro.

  3. Wow, lyrical genius! He's almost on par with Little Wayne!

    (end sarcasm)

  4. Apple does not fall far from the tree. Maybe their next vista will be to Obama's brother that lives in the hut in Kenya. Reprobates

  5. lol @ 402, didn't they say the same (moral decline) about rock and roll in the 70's? Prior to that, I could have swore it was Elvis that destroyed the youth. Then again, no, America's youth lost their morals with the advant of jazz and the jitterbug.

  6. I smell cover up!


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