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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Jane Fonda Tells Veterans Boycotting Her Movie 'The Butler' To 'Get A Life'

LOS ANGELES – When Jane Fonda was cast as former First Lady Nancy Reagan in Lee Daniels’ forthcoming film “The Butler,” some Reagan fans were not pleased. Now, with the biographical due to hit theaters in October, a movement to boycott the movie is gaining some momentum.

Larry Reyes, a Navy veteran and founder of the “Boycott Hanoi Jane Playing Nancy Reagan” Facebook page has been particularly vocal about the casting decision, given Fonda’s past frolicking with the enemy during the Vietnam War.


  1. Fortunately shes getting on in years and it shows.
    She'll be dead soon and we can celebrate.
    She should have been imprisoned for treason or just being a communist.

  2. Boycott it....they could have found another actress for the part of Nancy Reagan.

  3. i won't go see it...

  4. She and Obama would make a good team. Both lying traders.

  5. 11:47 - they better hide her burial plot....or there'll be so much urine on it that nothing will grow there.......

  6. 1256 Ohh Yeah.and a dump. Cremate her put her ashes in a long range missile to Vietnam, POS.

  7. Agree with all she didn't like me when i was in Vietnam so she can go pee up a roap

  8. she should be tried fro treason. thanks sjd

  9. yes alex, TRAITORS, did 12:44 stutter?
    oh, 12:56, urine won't be all.

  10. We seemed to have fogiven Prescott Bush, so I think this will be forgotten as well.

  11. If I had the money, I'd stand in front of a theater and pay people not to go in.


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