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Monday, April 22, 2013

How To Rid Of A Red Tail Hawk

Many local Farmers have had some bad experiences with red tailed hawks attacking their chickens. This weekend we put our scarecrow to the test, released the chickens and not one hawk flew over.

Of course a few people in pickup trucks took pot shots at it as they drove by but still, all is well and our chickens enjoyed a peaceful weekend on the Albero Ranch. 

We're not sure if it's the Obama head or the Albero For Mayor shirt that scares them the most. We call him, "Politically Incorrect".

To place your order please send $1,000,000,000,000.00 to Albero For President 2016. 1234 Revolution Way Victory, Maryland 01234 


  1. It scares me away too.

  2. The Albero for Mayor shirt scares the heck out of everyone who wants SBY to stay exactly the same.To them progress threatens the sanctity of their precious town.The Harris Teeter rep said he could "feel" the negativity when he researched the area.He added that "anything less than being aggressively pursued for a SBY location is unacceptable"In other words they don't go where they are'nt wanted.The media twisted that into a per capita income decision if you recall.

  3. That mask of that face is just way to scary, it will frighten the birds to death! Crulity to animals!

  4. That scarecrow works wonders on law, order and the American way too...

  5. That face can scare even the devil.

  6. No man can be beaten who is armed with a sense of humor.


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