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Friday, April 19, 2013


**!! World View: ISLAM !!**
V contacte page of Boston Terrorist!!


  1. Oh no,,don't say that "I" word. Might offend people who will sue and win our money so they can support TERRORISTS!

  2. Ah yes, the Muslim religion, the religion of peace. We must continue to teach our kids in the government schools the continual mantra:

    Muslims good
    Christians bad

    Right after the most important one:

    Communists good
    Capitalists bad

    Did I leave anything out kids?

  3. Suspect is held up in a house on Willow Park. Watertown, Mass.
    Shots fired.

  4. It won't be long until Ocean CIty is full of foreign workers. I sure hope they are screened better than these guys.

  5. 9:04 Since they will work for slave wages that will fit right in with the business mindset there. I think you are a prophet. Also check out at least half of the boardwalk business owners, they aint good ole boys from the shore if you know what I mean.

  6. be careful as you move forward in life. Make sure that you don't fall off the edge of the earth... with it being flat and all. :-)

  7. To be fair, one has been in Boston area since age 16 and the other since age 9. Not likely these brothers sent up a red flag that they should be screened or monitored. I do not read Russian but FOX news reported the Face Book pages showed hatred of Russia not America.

    There is no way law enforcement agencies can monitor all persons. All Muslins are not out to destroy America. I believe our law enforcement agencies do an outstanding job and have stopped many acts of terrorism in its tracks.

    It is mind boggling to me to see how quickly our agencies have zoomed in on the brothers. Right now the men and women in law enforcement are putting their lives on the line to protect the people of the Boston area. Note also that the citizens in the area are praising these protectors and obeying the suggestions of the police.

    Don't be so quick to judge the workings of how law enforcement does its job. There will always be some terrorist, either domestic or foreign, who slip through the crack. This is the reason each of us must be aware of our surroundings as we are now living in different times.

  8. Actually, OC will be full of Nepalese students. Not a threat. Not Muslim. Not Barbaric. Not terrorists.
    Not Anti-American.
    There is the potential for a few Student workers from Turkey. They have to be watched with a very discriminating eye as they are Muslims and despise our freedoms but love to make a few years salary in three months to take home to the third world.

  9. **************************April 19, 2013 at 10:21 AM


  10. Anonymous said...
    It won't be long until Ocean CIty is full of foreign workers. I sure hope they are screened better than these guys.

    April 19, 2013 at 9:04 AM

    No type of screening can possibly weed out all the psychopaths. Just look at all the cops that squeak by for example. Screening is better than no screening, but it is no catch-all. And someone can be fine today and tomorrow could change. We will always have these types of people and these types of events. The best we can do is minimize their occurrences.

  11. Thank you 11:05.

  12. 12:48 PM

    You are welcome.

  13. New world view - Jail Cell!!*


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