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Friday, April 19, 2013

Groundbreaking Ceremony For Bennett Middle School

Friday, April 19, at 10 a.m.
James M. Bennett AuditoriumMaryland Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown, State Superintendent of Schools Dr. Lillian Lowery, elected officials, community members, school system representatives and students will participate Friday, April 19 in the groundbreaking ceremony for the new Bennett Middle School. The ceremony will be held in the James M. Bennett Auditorium.
At 9:30 a.m. that morning, the dignitaries involved in the groundbreaking ceremony will meet at the site of the new school to turn the earth; media are invited to attend and then join everyone at the auditorium ceremony.


  1. I won't be there.

  2. 7:31am You won't be missed.

  3. Not sure anyone is going to care if your not there

  4. How wrong you are 7:51 and 7:54!

    1. why would anyone care? went just fine without you...

  5. oh joy spending more money to display how they want to waste money on a palace/supposed school that the county does not need..... No thank you


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