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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Gang Leader Fathers Five Children With Four Female Prison Guards, Maryland Authorities Say

Tavon White of the Black Guerrilla Family allegedly 'took control' of the Baltimore City Detention Center, which is now under investigation.A gang leader awaiting trial for attempted murder has fathered five children with four of his female prison guards, it has emerged.

Tavon White, boss of the Black Guerrilla Family, allegedly "took control" of the Baltimore City Detention Center, in Maryland - which is now under investigation by federal prosecutors.


  1. Should all come back on O'Malley. He's too busy playing politician while the zoo of Baltimore spins out of control.

  2. It's funny. The state calls it "DOC" - Department of Corrections. It really stands for Department of Corruption. Always has. Corrections officers have the highest rate of corrupt members. It also has the highest percentage of African American members. Anyone see a correlation?

  3. Yes this does speak on omalley competency. This falls directly on him and his inability to pick 'managers' who can properly manage. Intelligent informed voters never supported him because it's clear he isn't too bright and he's not done a thing productive his whole life unless you consider sucking on the governments teat (which any imbecile can do) an achievement.

  4. This has been going on for a long time before Omalley. This is a result of affirmative action. Criminals guarding criminals

  5. So, like, is the dude gonna pay child support?
    Nope, that will be the taxpayers.

  6. The only difference between correctional officers and the inmates is that officers go home at night.

  7. Why so many female CO's in a all male correction facility? Put men with men and females with females. Won't fix everything but at least it doesn't provoke temptation for fraternization between male inmates and female CO's. Just a thought. Sad part those corrupted CO's still have their jobs temporarily due to the "Union".

  8. So who's going to support all the "babies mamas"?

  9. Unbelievable how this garbage knows how to mulitply but not how to do a job properly, ethically and legally.
    This does speak to the utter incompetency of OMalley and his appointments.

  10. Let them have the jail. Don't the drones need target practice?

  11. Real nice, this just keeps getting better and better. They have pot, same sex partners, can kill who they please knowing they shall never be punished with death. Soon, they will have our guns, our lands, our monies! And we shall have a war!


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