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Friday, April 12, 2013

First Lady To Address Graduates In Ky., Md., Tenn.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Michelle Obama's commencement speaking schedule is taking her to Kentucky, Maryland and Tennessee.

The White House announced Thursday that Mrs. Obama will address graduates at Eastern Kentucky University in Richmond on May 11 and at Bowie State University in Bowie, Md., on May 17. She's also speaking to graduating seniors at the Martin Luther King Academic Magnet High School for Health Sciences and Engineering in Nashville, Tenn., on May 18.



  1. If I were going to graduate from either of those schools, I'd call in sick. She's as big a liar as her husband. By the way, were they ever married? Are there any records, or they sealed too?

  2. "Martin Luther King Academic Magnet High School for Health Sciences and Engineering"
    Are the school jerseys only available in long?

  3. 12:39 that would require you to go to college and based on your comment you barely made it through high school.

  4. 1:23--Typical Alinsky tactic to attack the person making a statement you do not agree with. You don't need a college degree to know when someone is dishonest, immoral and a narcissist. The Obamas are disingenuous, self enriching exploiters of the taxpayer. Sorry if you can't figure that out. Guess YOU have a B.S. degree and I don't mean Bachelor of Science.

  5. Not much of a role model in Moochelle.

    Alex, why did she get disbarred?
    Oh, excuse me, why did she relinquish her license to practice law? Along with her husband?

  6. Is she using her own money for these trips or is it another "financed by the Taxpaying citizens" deal? We would like to know - since this is "The Most Transparent Administration in history of mankind". Oh, BTW are their files still sealed from the public? Of course, why would anyone spend millions of dollars on law firm IF THERE WAS NOTHING TO HIDE?

  7. 1:23 Please tell me why she was required, by law, to give up her license to practice law in Illinois? The Bar Association records are public knowledge. Now, would you like to discuss this issue further? SHE LIED! Personal attacks on my comment are ok with me because, I and other readers of this blog, realize that people like you have no clue about the truth and don't care. Your ignorant statement proves you are a Democrat.

  8. She's a total waste of humanity. She brings no value whatsoever. Wish she'd just go hide under the rock she came out from. BTW, I do have several degrees. This is a blog and does not require $50 words. DUH!

  9. Way to go 4:16. You pretty much hit it on the head. The truth is the truth. This Alex guy surely has some mental and emotional problems. Fact is, Democrats are liars. Both Obama's are liars! I think where this is going is the question of if there is any record of them ever getting married? There is none, period!

  10. i love the commenters on here...

  11. I do not hardly ever comment here. But was there ever a documented marriage certificate that the Obama's were ever married? It should be a matter of public record, as his college records should also be. His records or sealed because he received taxpayers money as a foreign exchange student. Prove me wrong, Alex.

  12. You folks are absolutely delusional. The ignorance here is breathtaking.

  13. ^^^^^^^^^^^^
    Yes,it's fun

  14. Let's go back to the original question by somebody. Is there any record, anywhere, that there are documents that the Obama's are actually married? The answer is NO!

  15. NOTHING qualifies her to speak ANYWHERE. Just a group of morons invited another moron to speak. If I were graduating from any of these alleged 'educational institutions' I would have to take that time to do something fun, anything but go to hear her spread more lies.

  16. Alex said...
    12:39 that would require you to go to college and based on your comment you barely made it through high school.

    April 12, 2013 at 1:23 PM

    How many windows do you have left intact in that glass house you occupy?

  17. Alex said...
    i love the commenters on here...

    April 12, 2013 at 6:33 PM

    And we love you. We need some comic relief now and then.

  18. Anonymous said...
    You folks are absolutely delusional. The ignorance here is breathtaking.

    April 12, 2013 at 8:17 PM

    Have you stopped breathing yet? Keep reading until you do.

  19. The M.O. hate from this crowd is hilarious. Yes, please rattle on about marriage and law licenses and let the adults from either side of the aisle tackle issues like taxes and the national debt.

    1. Excuse me, but we the people have the right to question the government officials and their actions - that IS NOT HATE. Since they, the Government, are spending on taxpayers dime, We the Taxpayers have a choice to either believe everything they feed to us (which is what you obviously like to do) or we question their actions. So here are THE FACTS:
      1) Obamas files has been sealed from public for 5 years now
      2) They have not passed the Budget in 6 years
      3) Prices of Food & Gas more then doubled while avarage family income stayed the same
      Im glad you mentioned national debt, yeah, its more than doubled now.
      And when people like yourself go HOOK, LINE & SINKER on everything you being told by MSM TV, and can't think on your own - Yeah, I do Hate It

  20. Anonymous said...
    The M.O. hate from this crowd is hilarious. Yes, please rattle on about marriage and law licenses and let the adults from either side of the aisle tackle issues like taxes and the national debt.

    April 13, 2013 at 6:43 AM

    Another non-commenter. Do you feel better now? Now run along and let the adults you speak of talk. Bye now.


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