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Friday, April 05, 2013

Eastern Shore Student Business Plan Competition 2013

What: Eastern Shore Student Business Plan Competition 2013

When: Registration & Submission of Executive Summary Deadline: April 19th, 2013

Selection of 5 Semi-Finalists for Lower Shore: April 24, 2013

Semi-Final Presentation Round: May 9, 2013 @ 6:00pm

Upload revised Executive Summary for 3 Semi-Finalists: May 10, 2013

Final Presentation Round: May 17, 2013

Where: Registration Deadline & All Submissions: Online

Selection of Semi-Finalists: Wor-Wic Community College/ Guerrieri Hall Theater

Finals: TBD

Cost: FREE

Registration: To Register, Please Visit www.shorebizplan.com

MCE (Maryland Capital Enterprises) and ESEC (Eastern Shore Entrepreneurship Center) are excited to once again hold a Student Business Plan Competition on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. The purpose of this competition is to promote and encourage the idea of starting or owning a business among college and high school students. The competition is intended to motivate students to assess their own skill sets and characteristics in relation to areas of existing personal interest or knowledge in which they could successfully make a living and possibly create jobs for themselves and others on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.
Open to individuals or teams, the competition seeks unique, innovative, and scalable business plans that could be fundable for any idea of a commercial endeavor. All submissions must be the original work of those making the submission and must describe a new or early-stage company. Semi-Final judges will occur by district (Chesapeake – Upper and Mid-Shore Counties; Wor-Wic – Lower Shore Counties). All winners from each district advance to an Eastern Shore Final Judging. 
Semi-Finalist Awards in each District Include: 

First Place - $500 Cash

Second Place - $250 Cash

Third Place - $100 Cash

Eastern Shore Finalist Awards Include:

First Place - $1,000 Cash

Second Place - $500 Cash

Third Place - $250 Cash
Complete details about eligibility, rules, and submission are available at www.shorebizplan.com.

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