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Friday, April 12, 2013

Drones, Guns, And The President

Does the government work for us, or do we work for the government? How can the president claim the lawful power to kill whomever he wishes and at the same time ask Congress to incapacitate our ability to defend ourselves against those who might seek to kill us?

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul struck a raw nerve in the weak underbelly of the Obama administration last month with his 13-hour filibuster. Paul was furious – as every American should be – that the president refused to admit that he does not possess the lawful authority to kill Americans with drones. The senator used the confirmation hearings of now CIA Director John Brennan as a forum in which to articulate the principled constitutional argument that whenever the government wants the life, liberty or property of anyone, it can only obtain that via due process.



  1. If he can take me out with a drone, I take that as a threat to my very existence, and will counter with a threat to his. I can shoot, too. I need to defend myself from this immediate threat to my life.

  2. Anonymous said...
    If he can take me out with a drone, I take that as a threat to my very existence, and will counter with a threat to his. I can shoot, too. I need to defend myself from this immediate threat to my life.

    April 12, 2013 at 6:19 PM

    I hear you and agree with you, but be careful what and to whom you say it. Unlike obammy, WE can be arrested for such. And I really wish someone would just go ahead and take him and the dumb ashtray out.

  3. We need more people like Rand Paul who protect our freedoms and liberties from the government which has failed us.

  4. Obama Motors said...
    We need more people like Rand Paul who protect our freedoms and liberties from the government which has failed us.

    April 13, 2013 at 2:39 PM

    No, the government has not failed. WE have failed, miserably. We controlled the government. We became so fat, dumb and lazy that we ALLOWED the government to grow and swallow our liberties. Each year, each election, just a little bit more. Until the water is boiling and the frog is dead. We did it to ourselves. And continue to do so. We complain, sign petitions, maybe even demonstrate, but the results are the same. We do not take back our country, our freedoms, our rights, mainly because we are too lazy and wait for someone else to do it.

    We deserve everything we have gotten. Talking a good game but not following through with action does not work. WE the people, cannot even elect a mayor after all the rhetoric, grandstanding, promises of support, yada yada.

    We have become the dumbest and laziest slaves in the world, second only to Rome...maybe. And like Rome, we are going to fall much the same way. Already anyone can see the similarities. I'm really tired of all the smack talking. It doesn't mean anything and nothing will be accomplished except our downfall.

    It gets closer every passing hour.


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