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Monday, April 01, 2013

Do Ghosts Count In This Election?

According to Jim Ireton, they must. This corner home that has been foreclosed upon and has been emptied out is the site of yet another Jim Ireton campaign sign. At the other end of the street is an empty lot with Ireton and Day signs. Looks like they keep putting up signs in areas no one can or will complain.

My Grandson said to me today, "At least it won't take Jim very long to collect his signs on Wednesday since there aren't many out there to begin with". I almost wrecked my truck. 

On another note, WBOC just had their noon broadcast and there was no mention at all of the elections being tomorrow. They don't want to say anything in the hopes of an extremely low turn out. When I did my Daily Times interview two weeks ago the new General Manager said, "Elections are the most important news we can put out". All I can say is, there was nothing in the Daily Times today about the elections, (so I'm told) and it looks like our local Media has proven to fail the citizens and those who have worked so hard for this election once again.


  1. Out of the 5 stories in the Wicomico/Salisbury section of delmarvanow.com (The Daily Rag's online site), there are actually 2 articles about the election.

    WBOC's lack of coverage is sad.

  2. Saw you this morning out waving to the folks downtown. I waved. I pray this election goes the way God intends. I cannot vote but certainly would vote for you if I could. I urge everyone to vote b/c every vote counts.

  3. I just called WBOC and asked them if there was an election in Salisbury tomorrow. I was told there is. I said I was looking for a story on it on their website and didn't see one. I was told their reporter was out and a story would be on later today.

  4. I saw you this morning as well gave ya a big shout and thumbs up!!! Good luck tomorrow, I hope you WIN!

  5. Public works officials need to tag & fine the candidates for every illegal posting of signs. Lord knows the drama queen wouldn't hesitate to activate the forces if an innocent homeowner was trying to fix up his house. (even on a Saturday, late in the afternoon.)

  6. well i got my weekly phone call from andy harris and he not only reminded me that there is an election tomorrow but he told me to vote no to jim ireton! made my day :) i hope that we get enough votes to get ireton out and mr. albero in !!!!

  7. good luck for salisbury,i hope you win joe.the city needs you

  8. There was a DT article front page today to go vote, with a little bias toward their buddies. There was also an editorial that repeated their endorsement. They bashed the council and said Jake Day would return "professionalism.

    Yeah, because Laura the Screech and Shanie the Yeller will behave themselves once they have their buddy aboard.

    Cohen and Campbell never got offensive like those two do when they were in the minority.

  9. A Jim Ireton sign in front of a Jim Walter Home.Appropriate.


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