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Monday, April 22, 2013

DHS Questioned Over Decision To Let Saudi Passengers Skip Normal Passport Controls

A Department of Homeland Security program intended to give "trusted traveler" status to low-risk airline passengers soon will be extended to Saudi travelers, opening the program to criticism for accommodating the country that produced 15 of the 19 hijackers behind the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

Sources voiced concern about the decision to the Investigative Project on Terrorism, which issued a report Wednesday on the under-the-radar announcement -- which was first made by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano after meeting in January with her Saudi counterpart. According to the IPT, this would be the first time the Saudi government has been given such a direct role in fast-tracking people for entry into the United States.

"I think you have radical Wahhabism in certain elements in Saudi Arabia, and I think to be more lenient there than in other places would be a mistake," Rep. Frank Wolf told the Investigative Project on Terrorism. "There were 15 [hijackers] from that country, and there is a lot taking place in that region."


  1. You are Kidding me right?

  2. Why are WE letting a terroris country look into there own peoples background before they come to America R U Fn KIDDING ME.

  3. You can't blame this on just Obama, Bush let Osama bin Ladin's family fly out of this country after 9/11 while his own father and former president was even grounded! Don't go there! Muslim extremists have been a problem for a long time, Olympics in Germany, hostages in Iran during Carter administration.

  4. Isn't this like profiling? I thought we didn't do that sort of thing.

  5. Anonymous said...
    You can't blame this on just Obama, Bush let Osama bin Ladin's family fly out of this country after 9/11 while his own father and former president was even grounded! Don't go there! Muslim extremists have been a problem for a long time, Olympics in Germany, hostages in Iran during Carter administration.

    April 22, 2013 at 4:22 PM

    But that's ok, because they FELT safer when Bush was in office. They say he learned from his many mistakes. He must have learned a great deal while in office. He even has the honor of having a shoe thrown at him. Not many can say that.


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