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Sunday, April 21, 2013


Army Master Sgt. C.J. Grisham was on a ten-mile Boy Scout hike with his son in Texas when he was arrested and accused of “rudely displaying” his firearm. Knowing there are wild boars, coyotes, and cougars in the area, he had an AR-15 rifle slung over his shoulder and was also carrying a .45 caliber pistol, according to Fox News’ Todd Starnes.

A “huge Constitutionalist” and prominent military blogger, Grisham has served tours in Iraq and Afghanistan throughout his 18 years in the military. He was awarded the Bronze Star with Valor for his service.

But on the day he was arrested in mid-March, Grisham says he was treated like a “street thug.”



  1. Cops are not going to comply with disarming the people or shooting the people (again)? This video is just one example of what is going to happen. Luckily for these cops, this guy was still under the illusion that the law meant something constructive and these might have been honest cops. He learned the hard way of his errors. Soon, when more cops behave this way, people are NOT going to comply and will take active measures to ensure their freedom and retaining their property.

    I look forward to that day.

  2. What is rudely displaying mean? Has this country lost it?

  3. 10:39 it sounds like some kind of made up bs charge when they got nuttn else.

  4. Each day, across the nation, the people who proclaim their "heroism" and claim to "serve and protect" do what they think is their duty NOW, which is to intimidate, control, and subjugate the population. On a Boy Scout hike in wild country, a decorated veteran gets the back of the hand from people he risked his life to protect? "Rude display of a weapon"?? Is that really a charge? And the cops actually arrested him with laughing? So when cops prance around Wal-Mart with their 9mm strapped to their side (like bad things are going to go down in the electronics section), its NOT a "rude display of a weapon", too? At least the Master Sargent only needs one bullet to hit a target.

  5. As a police officer, clearly the arrest proceeded because the officers new that civil litigation would be coming because the original officer stepped over the line to start with. As an officer you can approach this situation a bit better. Approaching armed (openly) citizens places officers in a heightened sense of alertness. It can be a very tricky and tense few minutes that could go very good, ok, or very bad. This one went bad but could have been even worse. I presume the charges will be dismissed and a civil suit will follow.

  6. We need to stick togetherApril 17, 2013 at 1:03 PM

    The Civil Suit should be directed only at the Sergeant (who drove his son home and refused to let the 15 year old Kid out of the vehicle unless he answered questions), and the officer who grabbed this man's gun and than threw him across the car hood injuring Grisham's back.

  7. What laws were violated by the Master Sergeant. The answer is no law was violated. There is no such crime as "Rudely displaying" a firearm. An interview was proper by the officer, but his tactics demonstrated that he lacked the skill, knowledge and education in identifying and handling the situation.

  8. The story reminds me in MD you are treated like a criminal for even owning a gun. When we moved here from VA it was like night and day. Between MD and Salisbury I'm ready to go back to an area with common sense.


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