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Sunday, April 21, 2013


Thursday on Capitol Hill, Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) went after Attorney General Eric Holder for his failure to explain how the Fort Hood terrorist attack was classified as “workplace violence,” depriving victims of Purple Hearts and appropriate medical coverage.

“We’re never getting responses,” said Wolf, requesting a meeting with a Justice Department official to answer questions. “Once you get out of here, you’re gone. We never see you again.” Holder grinned awkwardly as Wolf berated him. Wolf later continued, “The Justice Department investigated this case … Out of respect for these men and women, 13 of whom gave their lives, who paid the ultimate price … Will you send someone up from the Justice Department next week?”



  1. Muslim sympathizer.

  2. The shooter is related to Osama.. I mean Obama, oh well, two of the same.

  3. It's been 4 years since this terrorist attack, and not even a trial date set. Like Obama said right after it happened, "Let's not jump to conclusions". Same thing he said Monday when the Muslim terrorists living in America bombed Boston. Lets round them up and send them packing. Don't forget the thousands he had relocated here with everything free.

  4. If the shooter had been a white Republican Christian that belonged to the NRA he would have been tried immediately. Holder is the most dangerous corrupt evil Attorney General in history. Holder despises the Constitution and whitey.

  5. The Muslim in chief is protecting his fellow Muslim. Holder still has yet to answer for the failed government ploy of the fast and furious plot to promote gun confiscation.

  6. Can anyone really take Holder serious. He allowed military weapons to go in the hands of criminals, lost track of them, later recovered several at CRIME SCENES. He is a felon, and should be arrested and tried.

  7. Unfortunately those like holder are who we are stuck with since no one of any substance is beating the door down to join obama's cabinet. The real movers and shakers who could and would do a wonderful job want no parts of working in an admin full of nothing but incompetence.

  8. Anonymous said...
    If the shooter had been a white Republican Christian that belonged to the NRA he would have been tried immediately. Holder is the most dangerous corrupt evil Attorney General in history. Holder despises the Constitution and whitey.

    April 19, 2013 at 12:44 PM

    You are exactly right and many Republicans and Democrats are to stupid to get out and vote these Muslims and American haters out of office.

  9. Nothing is going to happen. Obama's entire cabinet is infiltrated with the Muslim Brotherhood. Thanks to the Sheeple of America. The spineless people of America.

  10. Holder is nothing more than a bottom feeding reprobate. Just looking at the man gives me the creeps.

  11. We reelected these creeps so what does that say about America? I think we are past the point of no return. The future for the next generations looks very dismal to me.

  12. Why hasn't this guy been fired for fast and furious? Time to take our government back from the Muslims and communists.

  13. Is it just me or does this guy need glasses?


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