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Monday, April 22, 2013

Carjack Victim Says Terror Suspects Spared Him Because He 'Wasn't American'

A man who says he was abducted by the Boston Marathon bombing suspects during a carjacking told police the suspects said they would not kill him because he “wasn’t American.”

The man, who has asked that his identity not be revealed, told NBC News that he managed to escape Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s clutches, describing them as “brutal and cautious.”

Details of the Thursday night carjacking – part of the brothers’ own escape attempt after the FBI put out video and photos of them at the marathon – emerged as investigators continued to question Dzhokhar Tsarnaev at a Boston hospital.



  1. The Nuge says stretch his neck. NOW.

  2. The more I am reading about this event, what our gov't knew and when, other players behind the scenes, other COUNTRIES behind the bombing, there is much more to this than two brothers acting alone based on religion.

    All this ironclad, indisputable evidence, is great. No doubt in my mind they did this. What doubt I do have is that they acted alone. And that D.C. didn't know about it.

    The F.B.I. has lied twice about these two brothers. About even knowing them. Why?

    U.S. officials are blaming top Iranian officials for ordering the attack. Why? How? Who?

    Many other things, and some I have sent to Joe, as perhaps he will be sharing them shortly.

    This 'open and shut case', just took a twist. There is much more than meets the eye. I had to stop researching for the night. It's like reading an epic spy novel.

  3. Yeah the latest twist I am seeing in the MSM and alternative media is a tie to Iran. Perhaps this could be the ultimate motive, a false flag to start war with Iran?

  4. The cast has already been chosen for the movie.Hows that for fast?


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