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Saturday, April 27, 2013



  1. What in the world is Obama's going to be called then? Maybe it will be an "invisible" library since his administration was going to be so transparent!

  2. Obama's will be called...Cell Phone Liiii-Berry

  3. Lets rewrite history.
    The was NO ONE that should have been commander and chief when 9/11 happened other than George W.

    Imagine what would have happened if Kerry was pres when this happened.

  4. Why keep throwing stones and blaming Bush? It's been 5 years; he's retired. That should be Obama's caricature there!

  5. Sorry but I have too much respect for President Bush to think this is the least bit funny.

  6. 5:50pm worse yet if obama had been president....it's bad enough as is

  7. I wish Bush was running the country in place of the moron running it now

  8. Wonder if the Obama library will contain all the different colored Obama phones?

  9. Anonymous said...
    Sorry but I have too much respect for President Bush to think this is the least bit funny.

    April 27, 2013 at 7:06 PM

    I agree. I don't find this funny at all. I don't feel Bush lied about anything, but we know for a fact that Obama and the Democrats refuse to tell the truth.

  10. George W. Bush and his family has more class in his little finger than obama and his family could ever have.
    bush wasn't perfect, but there is No Comparison to what we have now.
    oh; to have George W. in the white house now...

  11. I will gladly take President Bush back i rather have his leadership than obama for another 3 years.... obama is not a leader nor will i ever respect the muslim in the white house obama is lower than the stuff on the bottom of the Wicomico river

  12. The only thing Dub-ya used a book for, was to cut up lines of cocaine on,throughout the 80's.

  13. talk about drinking the kool-aid..you ppl take the cake. Bush=worse economy ever, Bush=worse terror attack ever..still you love him so much..please, when a big hunk of twisted metal is your Pres. Library center piece you've been a sh#tty president.

  14. 932, why are you still blaming Bush. 5 years have passed since his retirement, and 7 have passed since Dems have been in control. Idiot.


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