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Monday, April 15, 2013

BREAKING NEWS: At Least 3 Killed As Blasts Rip Boston Marathon Finish

DEVELOPING: Multiple casualties are reported after at least two explosions rocked the area near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, according to the Boston Herald.

Witnesses reportedly heard booms that sounded like two claps of thunder near the finish line inside the Fairmount Copley Plaza Hotel.

The explosions occurred just before 3 p.m. Video of the scene showed a number of emergency crews in the area tending to victims and blood on the ground near the finish line. 


Update: Time reporter, Andrew Katz has confirmed via Twitter, that there was an "incendiary device" possible at JFK Library as well as "another device" in front of Boston's luxury Mandarin Hotel. 

Update: Boston Marathon Suspect is a Saudi National
The suspect — a Saudi national who suffered shrapnel wounds in today's blast — is currently being guarded in a Boston hospital.
A law enforcement source confirmed to The Post that 12 people were killed and nearly 50 were injured in today's blast.

Update: 12 dead, nearly 50 injured sources confirm to Post as 2 massive explosions rock race finish line in Boston, suspect identified
Update: Boston police: No suspect in custody


  1. They better hope that it aint Muslums

  2. I think Obama will just send more tanks and fighter planes to the Muslim Brotherhood.

  3. You know dam well it was Muslims that did this, but again, just like all of the other Terrorist attacks, {since having a Muslim president}, the Whitehouse and the Liberal news will not call them terrorist attacks, but domestic violence, (look at Fort Hood attack by a Muslim). No one wants to talk about how many times this country has been attacked by Muslims since Osama has been in office, when Bush was president, after 911 we had none! They knew he would hunt them down and have them killed, not mollycoddled and tried in civilian court. There is no place in America for Muslims, we need to deport them all, the Koran teaches only hate for Jews and Christians, it is NOT a religion of peace, just pick up a copy and read it, if you’re not Muslim, than you are to be killed!

  4. 3:58 and 4 - get a life. The victims and their families don't need your words of wisdom. Go crawl back into your holes. Such a weak mentality to hide behind an anonymous post.

  5. kevin gregg, If it was you parents or family members i BET you attitude would change your hypocritical mind.

  6. Let the government cover-ups begin....there is no terrorism here.....

  7. Let's pray for the victims.

  8. suspect's been identified. Is in the hospital.

  9. If we had more gun control this would not have happened...

    I guarantee Obama bin laden will say that or some senator will use this for gun control though none of this is related...

  10. Most likely it is an American terrorist group or individual just like the Atlanta and Oklahoma bombings were by USA citizens.

  11. We will never ever be able to stop evil minds. We are living in the bed we've made..god help us....satan is alive and well on this planet...so expect further tighting of the vise around our necks...

  12. 4:16, nice. A whole new level of ignorance

  13. I wonder if this has anything to do with South Korea and their founding fathers birthday.

  14. Gerald, no wonder you people are so easily duped. You just go about creating your own narrative based off of whatever strokes your partisan ego.

    #1 you don't have any facts regarding this incident besides a blast going off. Last I checked we've had plenty of examples of domestic non-muslim terrorists committing these acts. Timothy McVeigh ring a bell?

    #2 clown, I guess you conveniently forgot that Bush tried and convicted plenty of terrorists
    including Richard Reid, Bryant Neal Vinas, Mohammed Jabarah, Shahawar Matin Siraj, and Mohammed Junaid Babar, all of who were active participants in islamic extremism.

    #3 we had several terror attacks during Bush including the anthrax attacks, the DC sniper, and several shootings.

    Please note, none of this is meant to attack Bush or the GOP. The absolute garbage being spouted by Gerald,before the blood has even dried on the victims, just needed to be checked at the door. Sit down clown!

  15. Mr Gregg. My so called words of wisdom were not directed towards the victims and their families. The were meant to piss off liberal Democrats like you. Did my job. Oh this is 4:00.

  16. Time to crack the whip in this country Enough is Enough.

  17. oops that should have been North Korea not south.

  18. Same date we bombed LIBYA.

  19. Of course it is Muslims. Percentage wise who else would it be?

  20. Alex said...
    4:16, nice. A whole new level of ignorance

    April 15, 2013 at 4:49 PM

    You would be an expert on that.

    Are you jealous he made the leap before you?

  21. Stay tuned ... a Presidential news conference in 5 minutes from hole #11 at the Congressional Golf Course.

  22. Anonymous said...
    Of course it is Muslims. Percentage wise who else would it be?

    April 15, 2013 at 5:31 PM

    I hope it is not ANOTHER false flag.

  23. It might me be a Saudi or not. It appears that there was a Saudi among the injured but that does not mean he was the actor. People from all over the world run in the Boston marathon and it is possible that the injured was a spectator waiting for a runner to cross the finish line.

  24. Today is tax day. Maybe this is a 21st century Boston Tea Party

  25. radicals in mosquesApril 15, 2013 at 6:23 PM

    4:16 yep and america must come down on these Mosques.

  26. Gerald how politically incorrect of you. The only part not true yet was whether a Muslim did it or not. That is most likely the case but lets not rush to judgement before the facts are out. Unless they get covered up and/or twisted by the MSM and government as usual.

  27. send him to gitmo so he can get a Tv food shelter and NO water boarding, Unreal.

  28. 636 it is a Saudi national you must be one of these idiot liberals that wait until a bomb goes off in your face to wake up and smell the roses.Fool.

  29. How long before some money grubbing preacher claims this is because gay marriage first started in Massachusetts?

  30. The NY Post is reporting things that are not confirmed yet. The latest I have seen is two dead, and now they are reporting an eight yo has been killed. I haven't seen anything stating 12, or any number for that matter, has been killed. It might be true, or it might now. I haven't heard any confirmed reports other than the two and 8yo dead.

  31. anonymous
    .... 4:55
    That would be North Korea

  32. anonymous 5:02

    Your words just show how uneducated you are. Im sure you were in church sunday!

  33. 8:06 If you had not been so quick to correct me you would have seen I had already corrected it.

  34. Interesting that the suspect is here on a STUDENT VISA. People with these VISAs flood OC every year because they are cheap labor (and Americans don't want to work). Is OC prone to a bad apple in the bunch like Boston? I guess we could ban Muslims with student visas but that's not politically correct.

  35. Kevin Gregg said...
    3:58 and 4 - get a life. The victims and their families don't need your words of wisdom. Go crawl back into your holes. Such a weak mentality to hide behind an anonymous post.

    April 15, 2013 at 4:17 PM

    Liberal idiot!

  36. Dont believe the hype. This a controlled act perfofmed by The Government and The Illuminati. We are so easily duped by these same rehearsed cover up lines that it is embarrassing. Tell me how someone gets such a clear and concise picture of one explosion midway thru, and send it to the media so quickly? Who could have predicted that? Who knew to take pictures of it? We are the laughing stock of the world. Instead of standing up for ourselves we'd rather argue about who's president is better than who's (Myself included). I humbly criticize myself aswell, because we are all in this world together. God gave us 2 ears and 1 mouth....maybe you should listen more than you talk. Think about it. God Bless everyone, friend and enemy.

  37. People who could walk 10 hrs. ago are having limbs amputated. Some are having ball bearings removed from their bodies.....BALL BEARINGS!! And all we can do on here is argue about who's a liberal and who's not. Satan is having a time......but only a short time. Wake Up those who are lulled to sleep by the ways of the world, I pray we all wake up.

  38. 10:06 and 10:16 speak absolute truth. Father I pray that the corrupt elements within our government, the banking cartels, media, and the evil they serve will be exposed immediately. I pray that people will get out of the democrat / republican football game and realize we're being duped to push an agenda that serves an elite few who are obsessed with darkness and control.

  39. "Kevin Gregg said...
    3:58 and 4 - get a life. The victims and their families don't need your words of wisdom. Go crawl back into your holes. Such a weak mentality to hide behind an anonymous post.

    April 15, 2013 at 4:17 PM"

    Oh the truth hurts--it just absolutely sucks doesn't it Kevin Gregory!
    Typical obama apologist you are. When you can't come up with a sensible defense you attack the messengers.
    Time to face the facts-terrorism is alive and well and all obama's pontifacating about how he understands the muslim culture and America's the bully and apologizing to muslims has done nothing but to cause them to motivate to mobilize en masse.
    The question is-will this fall through the crack like Benghazi has and no one held accountable?

  40. 4:44 PM said, Satan is alive and well on this planet - I totally agree, he lives in the White House.

  41. This is the problem with this website... a bunch of right wing radicals on here. It was a bombing. NOT by the government but by some other radical. You all have a lot in common

  42. 8:13 you really should study history just a bit before making such a naive statement. Government and bombing are synonymous.

  43. Anonymous said...
    Interesting that the suspect is here on a STUDENT VISA. People with these VISAs flood OC every year because they are cheap labor (and Americans don't want to work). Is OC prone to a bad apple in the bunch like Boston? I guess we could ban Muslims with student visas but that's not politically correct.

    April 15, 2013 at 9:00 PM

    They have no suspects. His visa is legal, and he has no criminal history. You are a quick jumper, of conclusions.


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