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Sunday, April 28, 2013

'Boston Strong': Marching In Lockstep With The Police State

Caught up in the televised drama of a military-style manhunt for the suspects in the Boston Marathon explosion, most Americans fail to realize that the world around them has been suddenly and jarringly shifted off its axis, that axis being the U.S. Constitution.

For those like myself who have studied emerging police states, the sight of a city placed under martial law – its citizens under house arrest (officials used the Orwellian phrase “shelter in place” to describe the mandatory lockdown), military-style helicopters equipped with thermal imaging devices buzzing the skies, tanks and armored vehicles on the streets, and snipers perched on rooftops, while thousands of black-garbed police swarmed the streets and SWAT teams carried out house-to-house searches in search of two young and seemingly unlikely bombing suspects – leaves us in a growing state of unease.

Mind you, these are no longer warning signs of a steadily encroaching police state. The police state has arrived.

Equally unnerving is the ease with which Americans welcomed the city-wide lockdown, the routine invasion of their privacy, and the dismantling of every constitutional right intended to serve as a bulwark against government abuses. Watching it unfold, I couldn’t help but think of Nazi Field Marshal Hermann Goering’s remarks during the Nuremberg trials. As Goering noted:
It is always a simple matter to drag people along whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. This is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country.



  1. The actions in Boston were a practice run for Marshal Law. I truly believe that action will be taken during the Obama administration. I made this statement on this blog in 2010.

  2. I agree, it will happen for a lot of different reasons which are coming, it's just a matter of time, I'm predicting this Summer.

  3. Obama will make legislation to give him a third term or Martial law will come so he can be dictator of the country...

    I wish people realized we the people outnumber those who are bad and corrupt and we have far more guns than they do as well... IF we just stood together and went in an took them out by force if it comes to it, we can have our country back...

    This is proof positive your vote does not count nor has it ever since the electoral college tells you who to vote for...

    there was a town where the police were corrupt and the arm vets from the current war and past, took back their town with guns as the police ran an hide in a building scared... Why? they were outnumbered and guess what, the people got their town back...

    Do this on a federal level and wham-o we got back our country...

    Or you can fail to realize that one day you will NOT live for ever, and that you are going to die at some point and give in to the scare tactics and let them control you like a slave or you can be shot by them...

    Only 2 things are certain right now, you will either being their slave or you will be dead because the ones who die are fighting and the ones alive still are slaves or bitches of the govt...

  4. 4:22 I made the same statement to my wife watching this unfold. Why close down a whole city as big as Boston for one 19 year old kid? It was indeed a dress rehearsal for Martial Law. Our Government played into the hands of the Muslims by showing our fears.

  5. Crazy ass statements like this and you wonder why some suggested that it was right wing terrorists that were responsible for the Marathon bombing. Had the Boston Police and their allied agencies not reacted in this manner and let the brothers escape or carry out then you would bashing them for being idiots incapable of catching the cowardly SOBs. They did what they felt was right in order to corner and catch the suspects as quickly and as safely as possible. That's all quit reading more into it. We do not have martial law, nor do I believe we ever will. Too many cops out there wouldn't support such a thing, myself included.

    Giovanni Jones

  6. 5:59 "Too many cops out there wouldn't support such a thing, myself included" .
    9,000 of you did.
    Did you not see your brothers in arms banging on doors, shoving people out of their own home
    AT GUNPOINT, barefoot, in pajamas, hands in the air to awaiting GUNPOINT searches?
    You my friend are a HYPOCRITE of the worst kind, a trusted, uniformed Government official perfectly willing to strip citizen's of their rights.

  7. 559-9,000+ police officers couldn't find one 19 year old kid, after an all day long search.

    But a regular Joe who came outside 20 minutes after the curfew was lifted(to smoke a cigarette), noticed what the cops didn't.

    Who cares what the cops think or do, they don't do either well!

  8. . IF we just stood together and went in an took them out by force if it comes to it, we can have our country back...

    OF COURSE it will be by force. You think anyone would willingly give up their money, position and power?

    They will fight tooth and nail to retain those things. Don't expect them to fight or play fair. They don't know the word.

  9. It was conditioning for martial law. The dismantling of our bill of rights systematically, one after another. The luciferian illuminati scum are getting sloppy and desperate because people aren't falling for it anymore.

  10. 5:59...I hate to break the news to you, brother, but the cops already supported it, or perhaps you didn't notice the whole city being confined and searched at gunpoint. By police.. You DO know the Constitution PROHIBITS EVERYTHING they did, right? As a cop, you MUST be aware of the law. I don't want to hear "they did what they felt was right"....so did the SS troopers (who cut the arms off people and set them on fire, for laughs), the Gestapo (who pretty much did the exact same thing the Boston police army did), and the millions of Germans who cheered (just like you are doing) as all of this went down. ANYONE who thinks it was okay to confine an entire city and go house to house in a "resist us and die" assault has NO CLUE about how and why our nation was founded. Please quit saying that "circumstances" allow the police to willfully (thats right) ignore and violate the law. That would be Russia, Iran, China, and North Korea to name a few famous ones. There are other ones in that club now, the USA being the newest member. Keep cheering. By the way, do you also shoot rape suspects, since that would "feel right", too?????????? Or do you pick and choose more carefully which laws you will ignore? Here's some advice that is shared by many --- don't come to MY house, pointing a gun at ME because you are looking for someone else. You'll be killed. Without hesitation and without mercy. Just as you would do to me.

  11. Thank you police for your extreme dedication, bravery and skill is hunting the most wanted people on the planet. You are the good guys, don't forget it.

  12. Keep cheering. But TRY to find some time to work in a bit of reading. The Constitution would be a good start.

  13. The most wanted people according to the script you just watched, well you actually didn't get to see it play out. They held the AP at gunpoint too. You just take the official story and don't question. And cops aren't supposed to uphold the constitution. The real most wanted are the so called heads of state and authority figures, who after 12 years of systematically stripping our rights, allowed this to still happen. All it proves is "Order out of chaos", and the war on terror, just like the war on drugs are a facade to keep the money flowing.

  14. Here's some advice that is shared by many --- don't come to MY house, pointing a gun at ME because you are looking for someone else. You'll be killed. Without hesitation and without mercy. Just as you would do to me.

    April 25, 2013 at 3:19 PM

    Worth repeating.


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