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Friday, April 05, 2013

Beretta Leaves Maryland Because Of Stricter Gun Laws

New legislation is forcing gun manufacturing company Beretta to uproot and take their business elsewhere.

Established in 1526, Beretta holds the distinction of being the oldest active firearms manufacturer in the world. The U.S. factory is located in Accokeek, Maryland, and has been a staple of the local economy for years.

Beretta warned that stricter gun control laws would push the company outside of state lines, but that didn’t stop Maryland legislators. Jeffrey Reh, a spokesman for Beretta who also serves as the President of Stoeger Industries under Beretta, announced that the company would begrudgingly uproot and take its business elsewhere. He said, “We don’t want to do this, we’re not willing to do this, but obviously this legislation has caused us a serious level of concern within our company.”



  1. This is very sad for Maryland and for the 2nd Amendment.

  2. I don't blame them a bit. I have now become a criminal in Maryland because I own an unregistered gun. So to remain a free American, and not wishing to break the law, I'm moving a mile North to Delaware. Delaware still believes in and upholds the Constitution.

  3. This is whats happening to salisbury thanks Dems/Indep.

  4. Ummm...10:05

    did you happen to notice that Del. politicians also voted in support of the UN gun treaty? Coons and Carper are no better than Cardin and Mikulski. Its just a matter of time before DE goes the way of MD.

    South or take a stand seems to be the only choice at this point.

  5. I want all my guns to be unregistered. I will trade anyone one of my registered ones for an equal unregistered one any time.

  6. Salisbury had a chance to elect a proven successful Business man that had the energy and intellect to move Salisbury in a positive direction--and the chance to re-elect a smart as a whip diligent fiscal hawk--most small towns NEVER have candidates of the caliber of Albero and Campbell, and YOU BLEW IT SALISBURY!!! You just turned to city over to the Exploiters,Spenders and Tax Hikers. SAlisbury you deserve all of the self-inflicted misery you voted for!!

    1. When 78% of the housing stock is rental properties it doesn't matter any more. A select few pay the property taxes, control the politicians and make the calls. They don't care if the city is a shambles, they don't live here. As long as they can cash those Section 8 vouchers and collect rent from their tenants, they will continue to destroy what many once called home. It was the voters election to lose and they lost BIG! I have no sympathy for them. I just hope Ireton's mother is proud of the person she brought into this world. I would move out of town and deny he was my child.

  7. I just got this lying email from O'Malley. Businesses are leaving the state so the job creations are null and void. The Democrats lie and deceive and you idiots keep voting them back in office. Just look what you did in Salisbury with Jim Ireton.

    Maryland's legislative session is about to end....But before our legislative session ends, I wanted to share a few of the choices we've made together that may not make the front page.

    2) Because we have made job creation our #1 priority, Maryland has created 38,200 new jobs in the last 12 months, with Maryland businesses creating jobs at a nearly 60% faster rate than our neighbors in Virginia.

    These past few years have not been easy, but together, because of better choices, we're seeing better results.

    Thank you,

    Martin O'Malley


  9. I want all my guns to be unregistered. I will trade anyone one of my registered ones for an equal unregistered one any time.

    April 5, 2013 at 12:00 PM

    Take a drill press and take out the numbers on you guns. Same difference.

  10. All those jobs in Accokeek, and in Pocomoke are gone! Or will will be soon! Just so O'Maggott and his whores can say they won. Won what?? Just wait, what goes around, comes around! I hope in this case its much sooner!

  11. Liberals are addicted to misery. That's all they know. Nothing will change them. They will avoid anything that hints of logic and decency. Salisbury is hideous and Maryland is polluted with politicians like JIM I. Spend as much of your money as you can in other towns or better yet another state. Eventually they will fall. NRA FOREVER!

  12. Any word on LWRC? Are they staying or going?

  13. Probably moving the company to China anyway.

  14. Way to go dumb a** O'Malley!


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