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Thursday, April 18, 2013


Mish is such a downer. Philadelphia isn’t bankrupt, it’s just fiscally challenged. Mish better watch out. His diatribe of factual information is racist from Nutter’s point of view. Maybe Nutter can sell that nice new Zoo parking lot to a Wall Street hedge fund. Maybe Nutter can sell Mantua Square to Blackstone and they can rent it out to people who would actually pay the rent. Maybe Nutter can raise the city wage tax from 4% to 5%. Maybe Nutter can payout more Housing Authority sexual predators millions of dollars to go away. Maybe Nutter can let go of his third Superintendent of Schools with another golden parachute, after they fail to improve education in this urban killzone despite spending $12,000 per child.

Philadelphia is run and has been run by corrupt liberal Democratic, welfare loving, union loving, tax loving douchebags for the last 50 years. Nutter is reaping what he has sowed. Philadelphia is a decaying dirty rotting shithole and nothing Nutter does or says will change its course. It’s too late and too far gone.


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